View Full Version : Recovering corrupted ProRes 422 .mov files

Andrew Smith
July 14th, 2013, 10:50 AM
I had an issue with a Ninja 2 recorder that was the equivalent of having the HDMI cable removed whilst it was still recording. It ended up bolloxing up the file allocation table of the HDD, but I've retrieved a .mov file from the disk using "Recuva (" (blessed they be).

The .mov is there but it isn't playable. Does anyone have any experience in recovering the multi-gigabyte file such that it is playable?


Andrew Smith
July 24th, 2013, 01:41 AM
173 views and no replies. Not looking good.


Javier Boronat
July 24th, 2013, 07:32 AM
Hello Andrew,

Unfortunately almost all recovery software that you can find in the market won't produce playable files as output of its operation. You would need to repair the retrieved files.

I would suggest you to use a professional repair service like the one provided by aero Quartet: Video Apps and Repair Service (
In case you're in a Mac computer you can use Treasured • Tool for Video Diagnostics and Repair ( to scan again the disk and diagnose the files. You will be able to see some preview of your files directly in such tool. Best of luck!

Kind Regards,