View Full Version : Clean HDMI 1DX

Bjarne Hillestad
July 13th, 2013, 06:23 AM
Does anybody knows if we´ll ever get clean HDMI on the 1DX ?

Omar Nabulsi
July 13th, 2013, 04:27 PM
As far as I know, they are not going to do this. I recall hearing that their reasoning was because if you want HDMI out, you must go for the 1DC.

Bjarne Hillestad
July 14th, 2013, 04:09 AM
Is this something you know for shure (information from Canon)? This is going to be an very expensive upgrade. The 1DX is a superb camera, but it´s a difficult task to make correct focus adjustments without connecting a good EVF to the HDMI. I think the 1DX must be the only camera out there at the moment, without this option.
I´ll guess I have to wait for the Magic Lantern crack.....?

Omar Nabulsi
July 14th, 2013, 09:44 AM
I do not know for sure as I have never spoken to canon directly, but someone from the thread below has, and it seems that they told him they are not supporting it. I really hope they do though because I would really love to have it on my 1dx. Paying another 6 grand for that option is no where near worth it for me.

1D X - Clean HDMI out (

Nigel Barker
July 14th, 2013, 11:58 AM
While it's a nice to have you don't actually require a clean HDMI for connecting to an external monitor for focus assist.

If you want to record then of course you want a clean HDMI which Canon announced (to much hullabaloo) for the 5D3 six months before they shipped it at which time nobody really gave a damn.

Bjarne Hillestad
July 15th, 2013, 07:23 AM
I´ve tried an Alphatron EVF on the camera, but this one was too "troublesome" to work with for me. The main reason for wanting the clean HDMI output, is to record to my Ninja1. It seems like every HDSLR out there now has this option, so WHY not 1DX ?? Nobody can tell me the real reason for this.......