Dan Brockett
July 11th, 2013, 09:12 PM
I did search through a few pages of posts and couldn't find the answer to this question so bear with me. Hired a shooter in Europe to shoot BTS on a TV show on the C300. I have downloaded the Canon XF Utility to my MBP but the application won't boot, I just get an error, "Canon XF MPEG2 Decoder is not installed". OS 10.6.6, I downloaded the 1.31 version of the XF Utility. What gives, I installed the utility, it seemed to install correctly but won't boot up? Is the XF MPEG Decoder a separate download? If it is, I cannot find it on the Canon site.
When I Google this, I see it is a fairly common issue yet none of the suggested workarounds seem to work on my system (reboot, repair permissions, re-install, etc.) I have tried them all and I need to take a look at this footage to give the DOP feedback for upcoming shoots, plus my clients want to view the footage on their MBPs.
Any advice? I have not had time to try ingesting into FCP, just want to take a quick look so I need the viewing utility.
Guy Caplin
July 12th, 2013, 03:39 AM
If you are using Win 8 there is a bug in one of the updates that makes the Canon Utility hang. I used the System Restore to go back to April and this solved the problem for me. I hope this helps.
Dan Brockett
July 12th, 2013, 08:13 AM
Sorry Guy, can't relate, "MBP" = "Mac Book Pro".
Thanks anyway.
Dan Brockett
July 13th, 2013, 11:50 AM
Anyone know where you can download the Canon XF MPEG2 Decoder? That is what the XF Utility download V1.31 seems to be missing.
Jon Roemer
July 13th, 2013, 12:51 PM
It may be part of the Canon "XF Plugin for Final Cut Pro" plugin - try installing whichever of those is appropriate for you. There are two, one for FCP and one for FCP X.
See if that solves it.
This the Canon support doc that infers it's part of the plugin:
Article Details (http://kbsupport.cusa.canon.com/system/selfservice.controller?CONFIGURATION=1011&PARTITION_ID=1&secureFlag=false&TIMEZONE_OFFSET=&CMD=VIEW_ARTICLE&ARTICLE_ID=34884)
I have both on my MBP. XF Utility for viewing C300 footage worked for 10.7 and 10.8.
Dan Brockett
July 15th, 2013, 10:08 AM
Hmm I am on 10.6.6, wonder if that has anything to do with it? I'll mess around with it today, thanks for the advice.
Matt Davis
July 16th, 2013, 02:29 AM
You've probably nailed it.
From 10.7 and on, developers were encouraged to use the 'AVfoundation' rather than QuickTime per se - I have to tread carefully here as I'm not a developer, but used to work in this environment. Essentially, QT is being played down so AVfoundation can take over, which has caused a few bumps along the way and cast a shadow over FCP7 and its ilk.
There's a sort of sea change going on. And it works both ways. For example, if you go to 10.8, then key workflow apps like XDCCAM Transfer stop working. If you don't leave 10.6, then you'll not be able to run the up-to-date apps that solve previous problems.
So, changing OS is pretty drastic surgery.
Editors can get mighty picky about updating their stable, happy systems, so making a bootable external hard drive of 10.7 or 10.8 to 'dip one's toe in' and install a temp copy of your NLE and import bits, may be the only viable first step. Especially if you're not between projects.