View Full Version : website update

Paul Mailath
July 10th, 2013, 09:11 AM
Just finished updating my website

Relive The Day Splash Page (

anybody care to check it out and let me know if there are any issues?


Noa Put
July 10th, 2013, 10:14 AM
I have a issue with the position of the video during playback, I have a big black border on top in the video previewwindow and the bottom part is pushed outside the frame.

Robert Benda
July 10th, 2013, 11:29 AM
I like the overall flow and aesthetic. Here are my notes:

People like myself with astigmatism don't do white text on dark background well.
There is nothing in your header to indicate where you are (it's also kind of buried on the 'who we are' page). I'm also fond of contact info available on every page.
There is also no option to go back to the front page.

Nigel Barker
July 10th, 2013, 12:05 PM
I like that it's slick & isn't just another WordPress website. I hate the sound effects & music. It also took an age to load.

A whole different non-Flash website with test menus & "Lorem ipsum" dummy data is displayed on iDevices.

Roger Gunkel
July 10th, 2013, 01:48 PM
I just had a look with my iPad, and as Nigel said, it is a test page with 'Loren Ipsum' text and a few pictures ???


Jeff Harper
July 10th, 2013, 05:17 PM
Paul, as already noted it take a looooong time to load, and there is a black bar at the top of your samples.

One of the issues with sound effects is a bride trying to view you from work can get busted by her supervisor for looking at wedding stuff during working hours, the sound effects will cause her to leave your site immediately. A lot of brides will do this research during working hours, so it's important to think about.

Paul Mailath
July 10th, 2013, 10:48 PM
How good is this! quick post before I head off to bed and in the morning I've got a shitload of work to do..

Seems I forgot this site has a mobile subsite as well - it never ends

thanks guys - I'll get stuck into it