View Full Version : Canon C100 - Picture profile samples

Dan McGuckin
July 10th, 2013, 05:50 AM
Just a sample comparison of some of the picture profiles available on the Canon C100 that helped me decide on a profile to use for a shoot, hope it helps you. ( I prefer the Wide DR if that helps )
Location was Village Gate, Rochester, NY
Some indoor shots, some outdoor shots, some low light shots.
Lens used Sigma 30mm, ISO ranged from 850-1600
No color correction - ungraded
Profiles used ( and they are labeled in the clip )
1. EOSNeutral
2. 709Log ( with just a touch more black ped )
3. cineLOG
4. WeedLOG
5. EOS Std
6. Wide DR
7. Cinema

Canon C100 picture profile tests on Vimeo

Nicholas de Kock
July 10th, 2013, 09:22 PM
Thanks for this. Personally I like the look of cineLOG.

Richard Gooderick
July 12th, 2013, 05:48 AM
Nice of you to make the effort.

Jeffrey Fuchs
July 12th, 2013, 08:00 PM
Great work Dan! Is there a place we can download the picture profiles you have tested.

I would like to have EOSNeutral. If there is no download can you give me the settings so I can dial it in?

Nate Haustein
July 12th, 2013, 08:34 PM
Thanks for putting this up. Very helpful to compare them all in a handful of settings.

I've been getting excellent every-day results with cineLOG but I'm thinking of taking another look at WideDR for when I'm shooting exclusively to AVCHD.

Also, I've been exposing my Cinema preset about a stop or two higher than you're "supposed to" and the results look excellent to me. Less noise in the darks - just watch those highlights!

Here's a thread with the EOSNeutral settings:

Jeffrey Fuchs
July 16th, 2013, 10:45 AM
I did a quick video to compare the more popular picture profiles. The camera was not changed in any way, I just changed the picture profiles so you could get a direct comparison.
See: ""

C100 Picture Profiles Sample Video on Vimeo

Scott W. Thomas
July 16th, 2013, 03:56 PM
Thanks Dan Very useful to see. I think I may start using Neutral picture profile for minimal grading. I found that if you copy the eos profile and unlock it and turn on knee that you get a result half way between eos and wide dynamic which is quiet useful for those of use not needing to grade too much.

Brisbanes favorite wedding videography studio. GoldCoast & Sunshine Coast. (

Scott W. Thomas
July 18th, 2013, 06:04 PM
Hey Dan, Is the EOS Neutral you used C1? Or is this a custom setting you found somewhere?

Brisbanes favorite wedding videography studio. GoldCoast & Sunshine Coast. (

Al Bergstein
August 20th, 2013, 09:13 PM
Dan, I've found that the WideDR is really useful when shooting in bright sunlight and looking to go as far as possible on latitude without the work of the Cinema profile. It really softens down the highlights and allows me to bring up the shadows. I also work closely with the scopes, so I don't blow out the highlights, and I agree with Nate, that doing that I can actually go 'hot' and apparently overexpose (which is needed when backlighting a face in sunlight for example), and yet still retain a wide latitude of shadow and highlight detail without fussing with the profiles. I have gone to starting with WideDR on any bright day interview, and have stopped being worried about getting the range I want. Using a Lightpanels for fill on these shoots also is great for popping the midtones. Careful attention to white balance (I use a warmcard), also helps.

For many of your setups you show here, I would likely start with the EOS Standard, to get more contrast out of the scene, especially if I didn't have fill light, which I assume you didn't have.