Ronald Jackson
July 9th, 2013, 08:37 AM
Planning on getting a GH3 for video. Should I go for the "old" 14-140 or wait for the new one? Both seem to be priced (over-priced?) at £599 in the UK at the moment.
View Full Version : Lumix 14-140, New Or Old? Ronald Jackson July 9th, 2013, 08:37 AM Planning on getting a GH3 for video. Should I go for the "old" 14-140 or wait for the new one? Both seem to be priced (over-priced?) at £599 in the UK at the moment. Ron Jeff Harper July 9th, 2013, 10:55 AM The lens, for what you get, is a very good value, in my opinion. There are no alternative zoom lenses with that range that work natively with the GH3 anyway, unless Olympus makes one. Most definitely look hard at the new ones. Balance out the features of the new one vs price diff and then decide based on your needs. It would seem logical you should strongly consider the new one. It's likely to be improved over the old. I personally would wait on the new if it's not too far off. As an investment, the old one is a bad idea, from a financial perspective. Just my take on it. |