View Full Version : New Sony 4k video phone ..

Allan Black
July 1st, 2013, 01:38 AM
Sony 4k video phone ..

System Dump reveals Sony Honami 20MP camera with 4K video capture (

The wedding shooters will freak out!


Sareesh Sudhakaran
July 1st, 2013, 02:02 AM
Well, they can so why not? I can't imagine how they will cope with the data rates.

By the way, who is this phone for - the busy industrialist and closet post production expert who just bought the Sony 4K TV and/or projection system and who likes to shoot 4K video?

Maybe it comes free with the TV.

James Manford
July 1st, 2013, 02:35 AM
Technology is evolving at a disgusting rate.

It worries me a little ...

Noa Put
July 1st, 2013, 03:19 AM
Its a gimmick, just like my wifes pocket cam that does 1080p, the footagelooks like crap but hey, it's "full hd"!

James Manford
July 1st, 2013, 04:03 AM
Its a gimmick, just like my wifes pocket cam that does 1080p, the footagelooks like crap but hey, it's "full hd"!

People will flock like sheep to buy it though ...

And then when it comes to marketing your services on your website. You will always have people telling themselves "1080p is that it ?? doesn't your friend John have a phone that records in 4k"

Daymon Hoffman
July 1st, 2013, 04:22 AM
Its not technology evolving fast. Its "users" devolving faster! Yes.. now that's a word :P

Noa Put
July 1st, 2013, 04:48 AM
And then when it comes to marketing your services on your website. You will always have people telling themselves "1080p is that it ?? doesn't your friend John have a phone that records in 4k"

Believe me, when it regards to weddings, my main business, about every weddingclient doesn't care what format we shoot in, it's usually us videographer think it makes a difference, it's all about content and sound, nothing else. I don't believe that 4k, just as 3d will make any difference when it comes to market yourself when you deal with weddings, but that might or will be different for other markets, if your weddingdemo's on your website at 480 or 720p are done right that's all the marketing you"ll need. Produce crapvideo's at 4k and nobody will care. Just like with 3d the market is not ready for 4k for the following years, it is a technology that will be pushed a lot to sell but just like 3d will be adopted at a very slow rate, today only a handfull of programs on my tv transmit in HD and it's not even 1080p, so what's the use of 4k if the tv and cable providers are not even up to delivering "full hd" all the way ? (and without charging extra for it - we pay a premium just to be able to see "hd" programs") I am confident that I will be delivering 1080p for many years to come and that none of my competitors will be hurting my business because they do 3d or 4k.

Jack Zhang
July 1st, 2013, 05:26 AM
All this does is push for a lower entry cost for 4K. It doesn't say it's gonna be good 4K, but, like most of us agree, the consumer mostly doesn't care.

Moving from consumer to professional, my shock finally came when I got my EX1 and the sharpness was better than any previous camera I ever owned. (bear in mind, I went from HDV to XDCAM) For the average consumer however, this rarely happens.

Noa Put
July 1st, 2013, 06:00 AM
I"m sure your ex1 at 1080p will have a better image then that phone at 4k, 4k is the new buzz word and it's only used as a selling point, just like 3d once was, only 3d is slowly fading away, it will continue to exist but for a very small consumermarket and mainly for cinema. I mean, at least 90% of my clients don't even have a blu-ray player but still use a regular dvd player and we should worry about 4k now? :)

I do believe 4k wil eventually become a standard but it will take many years before everyone will catch up. 4k is also only ideal with very large screens and then you still need to keep sufficient distance from the screen. The way I see technology moving the focus won't be on huge tv screens but on small laptops, tablets and smartphones, it"s all about portability and ease of use.

Ron Evans
July 1st, 2013, 06:36 AM
I would like the 4k camera that Sony showed at CES. Looks just like my NX5U. I got one of the first FX1 in Canada and used as a source for SD for a long time until I got my SR11 AVCHD then switched to using the HDV to produce 16x9 . I would use the 4k the same way grabbing a 1920x1080 picture to use in a normal program just like I used HDV. HDV, AVCHD to 4k makes more sense than 3D. Most of my stuff is theatre so would use as a fixed full stage camera and may be able to go back to my one camera shoot days but still produce a multicam output. Source wold be a good archive too.

Ron Evans

James Manford
July 1st, 2013, 06:51 AM
You're right Noa, but it just makes me feel a little uneasy knowing all this new tech is always popping up every year. Not even every few years, EVERY YEAR it seems! I have this big fear i'll be left behind and not have the capacity to keep up with all these changes. I feel as if, by the time I master one thing, another comes out making the learning curve harder!

Noa Put
July 1st, 2013, 06:57 AM
I would use the 4k the same way grabbing a 1920x1080 picture

For that reason only I would see 4k as very beneficial with just being able to film wide and pan and zoom on a 4k image in a 1080p project.

Roger Gunkel
July 1st, 2013, 10:12 AM
I'm totally with Noa on this, the camera is just a gimmick, as the size of the lens alone will make the theoretical resolution pointless. The technology will creep in over the coming years, not because the consumer wants it, bit because the manufacturers want to sell it and will simply stop producing non 4k equipment.

I do aso agree with Ron"s comments on acquisition in 4k as it will open up the possibility of filming everything in wide angle and and just picking sections of the image for close up and medium shots. To some extent I do that now with school production work, where we film in HD but the schools want SD dvds. 2 locked off cameras cover full stage and allow cropping in for closer group shots, while 2 manned cameras follow the closer action. Perhaps with 4k, one camera could do the whole job :-)


Ron Evans
July 1st, 2013, 02:47 PM
I used my FX1 for 2 years that way it was really good using Vegas at the time as it could do this pan and scan better than Premiere or Edius at the time. It was easy to see the source size and project size and set keyframes. I shot a few shows, one evening with camera fixed full stage. one with tracking the main action and then the rehearsal closeup. The end result looked like it was shot with 4 or 5 cameras and of course there was none of the problems of matching cameras. They were dance show so music is always the same timing of course making it a lot easier for editing. I shoot shows now with 2 fixed cameras and two manned like Roger I expect. NX5U, XR500, CX700 and NX30 and although they are all Sony and I set them all at indoor preset there is still some colour matching to do. My wife and I are into our 70's now and standing up for 2 hours ( for a few of the locations ) is starting to be a problem for which I would like to find a solution as it is not always easy to place a stool to sit on. The 4 k camera with nice remote would likely do this for me and I just hope it comes sooner rather than later !!! Sony are starting to roll out the 4K displays now so I would expect some product announcements soon even if delivery is some time away. Product cycle times are reducing all the time and since Sony is really pushing 4K I expect them to quickly offer something for the consumer to use. My guess is a single chip product in the AX2000/NX5U range like the demo they showed at CES. Likely around 1/2" to get good depth of field.

Ron Evans

Gints Klimanis
July 1st, 2013, 06:55 PM
4k is a worthy celebration is it is indeed 4k. Mostly, I expect to see a reduction in light sensitivity coupled with large files. Focusing is a critical factor, and at least these consumer cameras respond quickly to the touch screen. HD video in the prosumer price range is nearing ten years.

I don't know if I need or want 4k video right now as a large improvement would be to shoot at 1080p60 over my current 720p60 with a corresponding doubling of the video data rate. My EX1 is just skipping data in the 1080->720 downsizing process.

Ron Evans
July 1st, 2013, 08:06 PM
[QUOTE=Gints Klimanis;1802836]..... Mostly, I expect to see a reduction in light sensitivity coupled with large files. Focusing is a critical factor, and at least these consumer cameras respond quickly to the touch screen. HD video in the prosumer price range is nearing ten years.


Yes the 18Mpixel sensor in the HX30V still camera I have shooting 1920x1080 60P is not as sensitive as the CX700 or NX30 noticeable in low light like a dim restaurant but still perfectly acceptable for a holiday video and in my pocket !! I think a slight move to 1/2" with the same pixel count may well be about right for 4K video so I am sure Sony have the technology. All these cameras would put my FX1 to shame for resolution, low light performance, frame rate and noise level. FX1 is similar vintage to the EX1 and I know when a friend with his EX3 shoots with me the little Sony's have a lower noise level than the EX3 and can see in the dark !!! I can tell the difference the EX3 and the NX5U have over the little Sony's but I expect most consumers may pick the video from the little Sony's over the Pro cameras because the image sparkles so easily. On analysis the black level on these little Sony's is always right on 0 giving the max contrast to the image. I would like the touch features on these little cameras too. So a 4K, NX5U replacement with touch screen functionality ( it has a touch screen now but not for much ), I really want touch spot focus, excellent on the small Sony's and I use all the time. Focus is super critical on the NX5U so I will assume 4K will be even worse !!!

The AVCHD change from 60i to 60p was not a big difference in file size ( 21Mbps to 28Mbps ) we will have to wait and see what the XAVCS information will give us in the coming months I guess.
Ron Evans

Bruce Dempsey
July 4th, 2013, 04:34 AM
I'm pretty much in the same boat although you have a few years on me and I shoot some theatre multicam work as well.
I've been wondering how the resolution on that nokia 808 pureview looks. apparently it has a 1"sensor and it's zeiss short focal length lens would just about do the stage wide shot

Ron Evans
July 4th, 2013, 05:55 AM
I always end up shooting from the back of the theatre so a good zoom lens is essential for me with good wide angle. The NX5U is great so my wish is just a 4K " NX5U " The specs on the Sony phone look like a 1/1.6" sensor from what I have read. So it will be interesting to see if the camcorder is a single sensor or revert to the 3 chip model.

Ron Evans