View Full Version : Data Recovery (please help)

Oliver Darden
June 30th, 2013, 06:40 PM
I accidentally formatted a 3TB external HD on my mac that had a TON of videos on it - including ProRes files, FCP files, XDCAM footage, raw dslr footage and more (about 2TBs worth). I tried Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery with no luck, and I am now trying Wondershare data recovery. Wondershare seems to be finding the files, but a lot of them seem to be corrupted and unplayable. Wondershare (which is still scanning) has actually found 5TBs worth of data which is confusing to me because that's 2TBs bigger than the drives capacity.

Can anyone please recommend a program that could possibly help get my data back?

Petter Flink
July 1st, 2013, 03:25 PM
We use Data Rescue at work with great sucess.
Data Rescue 3 - Mountain Lion Recovery & Mac Recovery Software | Prosofteng (

But remember to restore the files to another drive and not the same you are rescuing.

Jody Arnott
July 1st, 2013, 04:07 PM
I accidentally formatted a 3TB external HD on my mac that had a TON of videos on it - including ProRes files, FCP files, XDCAM footage, raw dslr footage and more (about 2TBs worth). I tried Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery with no luck, and I am now trying Wondershare data recovery. Wondershare seems to be finding the files, but a lot of them seem to be corrupted and unplayable. Wondershare (which is still scanning) has actually found 5TBs worth of data which is confusing to me because that's 2TBs bigger than the drives capacity.

Can anyone please recommend a program that could possibly help get my data back?

Did you do a quick format or full format? If you did a full format, chances are you won't find much.

Anyway, I've had a lot of luck with this program:
Recuva - Undelete, Unerase, File and Disk Recovery - Free Download (

Javier Boronat
July 2nd, 2013, 08:30 AM
Hello Oliver,

Despite the suggested recovery software solutions are a well known ones and that they work for some kind of files, it's really uncertain that you could retrieve all your videos using them. Reason for that is the fragmentation of your disk and the way they try to bring back the clips (the fact that Wondershare is finding 5TB of clips in a 3TB disk is a good example of that).

I would suggest you to try a different approach. You will need a two steps set up to first bring back the media (make it visible again in the disk) and then repair it (make it playable). That kind of service is usually offered by a profesional video repair service like aero Quartet: Video Apps and Repair Service (

To check whether you could retrieve the media in the disk, you could use Treasured • Tool for Video Diagnostics and Repair ( and get an idea about the cost involved. Best of luck!

Kind Regards,

Oliver Darden
July 4th, 2013, 01:45 AM
Thanks for the reply everyone. I can't believe it, but I got all my videos back.....

That kind of service is usually offered by a profesional video repair service like aero Quartet: Video Apps and Repair Service (

That's exactly what I did Javier! The Wondershare program found and restored all my video files, but unfortunately most of the files were corrupted and unplayable. I frantically searched online for a solution and came across They personally looked at my damaged video files and created a kit / app for me that specifically repaired the files. It was totally affordable and worked like a charm. I highly recommend if you ever mess up like I did.

Petter Flink
July 4th, 2013, 08:01 PM
That is really great news and at an affordable price as well.

Oliver Darden
July 5th, 2013, 02:23 AM
That is really great news and at an affordable price as well.

Ya, especially considering when I was freaking out and desperate I called a few local companies, and they told me it would be anywhere from $1500 - $3000 for them to restore my files...

Jean Ivan
May 19th, 2014, 08:34 PM
I accidentally formatted a 3TB external HD on my mac that had a TON of videos on it - including ProRes files, FCP files, XDCAM footage, raw dslr footage and more (about 2TBs worth). I tried Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery with no luck, and I am now trying Wondershare data recovery. Wondershare seems to be finding the files, but a lot of them seem to be corrupted and unplayable. Wondershare (which is still scanning) has actually found 5TBs worth of data which is confusing to me because that's 2TBs bigger than the drives capacity.

Can anyone please recommend a program that could possibly help get my data back?

You'd better do a test with a trial-version of the software to see if it can actually recover anything, before you buy this software.

Jean Ivan
May 22nd, 2014, 09:20 PM
I accidentally formatted a 3TB external HD on my mac that had a TON of videos on it - including ProRes files, FCP files, XDCAM footage, raw dslr footage and more (about 2TBs worth). I tried Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery with no luck, and I am now trying Wondershare data recovery (powerful ). Wondershare seems to be finding the files, but a lot of them seem to be corrupted and unplayable. Wondershare (which is still scanning) has actually found 5TBs worth of data which is confusing to me because that's 2TBs bigger than the drives capacity.

Can anyone please recommend a program that could possibly help get my data back?

You'd better do a test with a trial-version of the software to see if it can actually recover anything, before you buy this software.
Well,it's a powerful software.

Jim Stamos
November 20th, 2015, 06:07 PM
ive tried alot and none have worked. i shot a speech last week on my ex1r onto a 32gb sxs card.
forgot to dump the footage to computer, so i formatted in the camera on my next shoot. fortunately i did not rerecord onto it. ive tried remo, disc dr. nothing.
i dl the demo of data rescue and it found the bpav folder, and i realzed because it was a demo, i couldnt save that info.
so i am gonna dl the data rescue pc3 praying i will be able to get the footage.
my client will go thru the roof if i dont have her speech.
has anyone had my issue trying to get data off an sxs card?
crossing my fingers.

Vince Pachiano
November 20th, 2015, 06:32 PM
Ya, especially considering when I was freaking out and desperate I called a few local companies, and they told me it would be anywhere from $1500 - $3000 for them to restore my files...
Now that you restored your files, buy a second large HDD, and resolve to always keep your files on 2 (or more) separate backup systems.

Jim Stamos
November 24th, 2015, 01:03 PM
aero quartet does me no good, as im on a pc.
are there any other good programs out there, ive tried remo, disk drs, no luck
accidentally reformatted s x s card but didnt record over that,

Noa Put
November 24th, 2015, 01:08 PM
You might try linux, see here for some rescue options:
I had a external harddrive go bad that was not recognized by windows anymore, I have a dualboot system with windows 7 and linux and under linux I was able to retrieve all data from the drive.

Jim Stamos
November 24th, 2015, 02:12 PM
looked at the linux info u sent. it seems to apply to data off desktops,
amazing in this day and age, theres absolutely nothing out there.
plus at linux, you cannot get a live voice, didnt think they were that behind the times not having anyone answer the phone

Noa Put
November 24th, 2015, 02:32 PM
You can always try to see if it helps since everything linux involved is free.

Jim Stamos
November 24th, 2015, 02:33 PM
id love to, but i cant talk to anyone.]
a phone number?

Noa Put
November 24th, 2015, 02:38 PM
You can always try linux fora but why not start with SystemRescueCD? Since you can burn it onto a dvd or place it on a usbstick you can boot from both.