View Full Version : Welcome to the HDV-Vegas forum!

Douglas Spotted Eagle
September 25th, 2005, 08:09 PM
Welcome everyone, to the Vegas forum dedicated to HDV and Vegas editing.

David Newman
September 25th, 2005, 08:28 PM
This is a welcome addition.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
September 25th, 2005, 08:49 PM
Glad to see you'll be in here, David. You know I'm a huge fan of CineForm! And I know nobody does it better at CineForm than you. :-)

Heath McKnight
September 25th, 2005, 09:12 PM
I'm going to be sampling (finally!) Sony Vegas and CineForm, so I look forward to using it. But I do love Apple.


David Newman
September 25th, 2005, 09:30 PM
We have a new Connect HD update that is soon to be released (again it a free update to existing users), so the new forum has perfect timing. So Heath, when you get started we can get you set up with the latest tools.

Heath McKnight
September 25th, 2005, 10:38 PM
Cool--I'm going to probably get a PC going, but I need to update my Power Mac, as it's slow thes days (fast 2 years ago on software that wasn't as powerful as it is today).


Kevin Shaw
September 26th, 2005, 12:34 AM
Out of curiosity, are we heading toward having a separate forum for each make and model of HDV camera and each HDV-capable editing program? Seems to me like the HDV section is getting overly fragmented and may also be developing a non-logical hierarchy, so I hope someone looks at that more closely before we create too many more forums. My two cents...

Chris Hurd
September 26th, 2005, 08:14 AM
Yes Kevin, these are concerns which I'm trying to follow very closely right now. I certainly don't want to over-fragment the community, but I am leaning towards another separate forum for HDV via Apple / Final Cut Pro, and also re-arranging the hierarchy of the entire HDV section so that it appears to be at least equal to the SD areas on the main forum index page.

DV Info Net has reached a point where we have more traffic in our HD / HDV camera areas than in our SD areas. I have not watched post production that closely but I think the same thing is happening. You might see a significant shift on the main forum index page very soon.

John McCully
September 26th, 2005, 08:58 AM
Well Chris, I’m delighted you have moved forward on this. How delightful to read a welcome from you Douglas Spotted Eagle, thank you very much, and if you, David Newman, are also planning on hanging around here then technically challenged Vegas/HDV people like me are going to be delighted. I’m also a highly satisfied Cineform user having begun Vegas HDV editing of m2t files.

When it comes to creative video production I am firmly of the opinion that content is king, obviously one might say, but acquisition and post are clearly essential elements. I look forward to reading and learning about regular workflow efficiencies and perhaps more importantly about techniques to push the creative envelope that unquestionably is in the infancy when it comes to this amazing enabling new technology. The amount of data that HDV places at our disposal and with tools such as Vegas and Cineform the opportunities are huge and video art just got a paradigm multi-vitamin super-tonic boot up into the unknown.

Hopefully, I might in due course as my expertise develops, make a contribution.

Thanks again.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
October 2nd, 2005, 05:25 PM
EVERYONE here makes a contribution, if only through patronage of the content in the forums.

Jim Harring
July 24th, 2006, 06:53 PM
I've come across an interesting thing and have not seen any other posts on this; nor documentation in any other location.

It appears you really cannot add more the about 90-115 m2t clips to the timeline OR even media manager.
My intent was to throw a bunch of m2t's to the timeline, use Gearshift to create intemediates and go to work (bed, whatever) and come back ready to go.
I never got past 95 without the system getting unstable.

I used HDVSplit to capture scenes, as I used to use Scenalyzer and like the workflow of using gearshift instead of the ConnectHD method. (Manually splitting in Vegas was a non-starter for me).
After simply importing a folder containing over 100 m2t's into MM, RAM would be completely allocated and vegas would crash. I could detail this, but mostly am posting to see if anyone can confirm this is true...
I played around a bit and could only get about 95 m2t's in MM and maintain stability.
Sony support confirms this IS A LIMITATION. This news apparently came from a developer.
I can post the conversation if you want... I am just really surprised no one else is complaining of this.

The PC is decent; A64 3700+, 2 gig RAM, SATA/SATA boot/storage, etc.
I have a couple projects that will exceed 100 files, but obviously I am going to have to workaround this limitation by sub-edits, or throwing more money at the thing and doing connectHD.

Be curious to know if anyone else has seen this.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
July 24th, 2006, 11:36 PM
This is a known issue, and one that Sony has indicated they are working on. It's a buffer issue, and we're hoping it's cleared up soon. there is no "magic" number of files, it varies from system to system.

Jeff Jennings
July 25th, 2006, 06:47 AM
This is a known issue, and one that Sony has indicated they are working on. It's a buffer issue, and we're hoping it's cleared up soon. there is no "magic" number of files, it varies from system to system.

I wish I read this earlier, it would have saved me trying to work out what was wrong with my three video editing computers. Now I know its the software.
Can anyone point me to where I can get a detailed list of the steps to take in editing hdv in vegas 6 using cineform connect hd to capture. I have had alot of experience using dv material but am new to hdv. I wish to archive to tape at this stage but will also keep copies on a harddrive for playing to my Acer 37" LCD with a 1920 x 1080 res screen. HDV looks impressive on this unit.


Douglas Spotted Eagle
July 25th, 2006, 07:49 AM
Can anyone point me to where I can get a detailed list of the steps to take in editing hdv in vegas 6 using cineform connect hd to capture. Jeff

1. Start CineForm Capture application. If you have a fast computer, then enable the Convert on the fly, and keep the .m2t (IMO)
2. Turn on camera, be sure it's not in downconvert mode.
3. Use CineForm to control camera, start capture process.
4. Open captured files in Vegas.
5. Edit.
6. Use Vegas to print to HDV tape or convert to final format.

Marco Levi
October 26th, 2006, 01:21 PM
hi i am marco, i have buy a new cpu dual core amd 2x4800 for my not linear video system based on new vegas 7 and hdv video format.
it is available a hotfix for windows xp sp2 for best performance with processor dual core amd ????
is true be exist a sw utility of amd for best performance with dual core cpu ???
i am waiting your reply.
sorry for my english

ciao m.

Jason Robinson
October 27th, 2006, 09:24 AM
hi i am marco, i have buy a new cpu dual core amd 2x4800 for my not linear video system based on new vegas 7 and hdv video format.
it is available a hotfix for windows xp sp2 for best performance with processor dual core amd ????
is true be exist a sw utility of amd for best performance with dual core cpu ???
i am waiting your reply.
sorry for my english

ciao m.

I suggest makign sure your motherboard & chipset drivers are up to date. WinXO Pro SP2 can handle a multi core system (same as hyperthread) but you probably need to check with your motherboard manufacturer to make sure the latest drivers are available and installed.

as far as anything from AMD, unless AMD made the "northbridge" chip and the reference motherboard, then you probably don't need anything from them.

Make sure you are using WinXP Pro, because XP Home (asside from being annoying), might not handle dual core CPUs the same as XP Pro. Someone correct me if I am wrong on that.
