View Full Version : 128gb SD Card

Peter Rush
June 19th, 2013, 01:09 AM
Does anyone know if the EA50 can handle 128gb cards? It only mentions up to 64gb in the manual.

I was thinking that now I have the FMU128 I only need one 128gb SD card and I'm good to go all day without changing cards!

Chris Harding
June 19th, 2013, 01:45 AM
Hi Pete

You shoot that much footage?? I hardly ever vary from a 16GB in each camera .. surely a 32GB is more than enough for a wedding?? The fact that you only use a portion of the FMU is not an issue at all but I don't think you would be going anywhere near 11 hours of footage surely??


Peter Rush
June 19th, 2013, 01:53 AM
Hi Chris - Yes you're right - I've got half a dozen weddings on the go at the moment, and I've just looked at the capture sizes and they average out at about 120-140gb in total - ignoring the footage from my other cameras and audio, and I use about 40-50gb from me EA50 so a 64gb card will do the job nicely!

I suppose I was thinking I might need more as I constantly swap 16gb cards during the day - before they are full, to reduce any major risk of card failure so it seems like I've shot more than I have - not something I have to worry about now :)

Chris Harding
June 19th, 2013, 06:06 AM
Hi Pete

This is now interesting unless I read your email incorrectly ... the 40 -50 GB from the EA-50 I presume is for all six weddings not just one?? or do you actually use 40 - 50GB PER wedding on the camera? If you do that's probably a good 6 -7 hours of footage on each wedding. I'll (as mentioned) seldom use more than 16GB on CAM1 and 16GB on CAM2 and combined cameras I very much doubt whether I jointly would amass more than 25GB at the most . If you do use up 50GB what on earth are you fiming so much of?


Peter Rush
June 19th, 2013, 06:41 AM
Hmmm interesting Chris - I have a few catholic weddings and My EA50 has filmed over 50GB - the ceremony with full mass was over an hour - as were the speeches. I also have an Asian wedding on the go that's almost 60GB. In contrast I have one I shot a few weeks ago that is 32GB and another from last week that was a mere 13GB (small registry office wedding).

I do tend to film a lot - leaving the camera rolling sometimes in a busy reception as I wander around - framing shots as I go.


Steven Digges
June 26th, 2013, 12:29 PM
I read a release note yesterday that Sony announced an adapter for EXCAM cameras that goes into the SxS slot enabling that slot to take SDHD cards. Quite surprising because of course Sony makes SxS cards. The adapter is just over $100.00 US. How nice it would be if they did that for the FMU slot! I am not holding my breath. Sony is not going to do it unless they never want to sell a $600.00 media card again. There are probably not enough cameras out there FMU capable for a third party to manufacture one. But how nice it would be!!!