Ryan James
June 18th, 2013, 04:53 AM
I have an event this weekend where there'll be four cameras used:
Sony EA50
Sony EX3
Panasonic GH3
Canon 600d
Will be fun matching the footage in the edit...
My question regards the recording formats: Am I better to record at the best quality on each camera, or should I try to match them prior to filming?
Any pointers appreciated!
Don Bloom
June 18th, 2013, 05:02 AM
By all means, try to get them as close as possible BEFORE you shoot! You have a real diverse bunch of gear there and trying to match them in post later could cost you your sanity.
While you might not be able to make a 100% perfect match before the job if you can them the camera close, you'll save an enormous amount of time in the edit!
Always try to match before!!!
Ryan James
June 18th, 2013, 05:06 AM
Thanks Don - that's what I was thinking but didn't initially want to lose the quality of the higher spec cameras to match with the lower.
Don Bloom
June 18th, 2013, 07:42 AM
I think the 2 Sonys will be close of course. The others, well you might be better off trying to get them to match as close as possible while still keeping as high a quality as possible but in post choose your cuts carefully. IOW I don't think I
d put a shot from the GH3 next to a clip from the EX3 unless I could get them really close color wise or if you were going to use some sort of SFX.
It's a hard decision when using 4 different cameras and 3 different mfgs.
Good luck!