View Full Version : more DVDA 5 trouble

Roy Alexander
June 18th, 2013, 02:13 AM
I am using Vegas movie studio HD platinum coupled with DVD architect studio 5 as part of a production suite which also includes Sound forge and vocal eraser. All these came as a bundle from Vegas. I haven't used the suite for some time as Movie studio woudn't do something I wanted so I switched to Adobe CS5 which did. I now used Adobe for all my HD productions and any SD productions on Vegas which is on another PC> This avoids changing settings all the time.
However I have come across a problem. When making a menu in DVDA 5 I can not open up a choice of
button design or background tenplates. I have read and re-read tutorials and watched DVD disc tutorials and no way can I open up these programmes. I am wondering if my version of DVDA is a cut down versionas it was bundled with Movie studio and doesn't allow these choices, I doubt it. I have clicked onto view and the button and backgrounds are ticked and I have then clicked ALT and the appropriate number
but nothing happens at all. Any suggestions most welcome.

Leslie Wand
June 18th, 2013, 04:15 AM
they only show when a 'menu' is selected otherwise they don't show... that is, iirc ;-(

Roy Alexander
June 18th, 2013, 04:42 AM
LESLIE> I don't follow what you mean by selecting a MENU. I select MENU BASED when starting a new project. I have a single button which is Click to play. How else do I select a Menu. Cheers

Don Bloom
June 18th, 2013, 04:50 AM
goto VIEW>...there you will find various things in that drop down like Buttons, backgrounds, themes...that's where they are. Click on any or all and they will show.

Roy Alexander
June 18th, 2013, 06:45 AM
AS I said in my first post I HAVE clicked onto view and then clicked onto which ever subject I wanted and nothing happens. I have now solved the problem and have managed to open the choices of button and themes etc. None of my tutorials have mentioned the fact that you have to click a very tiny arrow to the left of the screen to open which ever subject you require. Also a tiny cross next to the arrow switches them off. I found this by accident as I was so frustrated I clicked everything in sight and then found the solution. It seems that I have wasted a lot of money on tutorials. Thanks for everyone's interest.