View Full Version : Can Vegas handle uncompressed footage?

Peter Vaughn
June 17th, 2013, 02:19 PM

I am just getting back into the video business after taking the last 6 yrs off from it.
I'm really interested in shooting uncompressed as much as possible. Does Vegas
handle uncompressed footage all right, or do I need to learn a new editing system,
such as Final Cut, or Premiere.

Thanks for the input.

Edward Troxel
June 17th, 2013, 02:43 PM
Are you sure you really mean uncompressed? Those files would be huge and, as far as I know, no camera will shoot uncompressed. All cameras shoot with some level of compression. But, to answer your question, even though they are larger, uncompressed files would be actually easier to use than many compressed formats. Other than the sheer amount of data being read from the hard drive, there's nothing special that needs to be done to process them.

In short, I'm betting you won't be shooting and editing uncompressed. Even over 10 years ago when I started, the digital format was DV-AVI. DV format was compressed to about 13Gig/hour (where uncompressed is more like 65Gig/hour).