View Full Version : 5D + Super 8

Adrian Tan
June 17th, 2013, 04:18 AM
Had to share.

I think a lot of credit should go to the videographer, Geoff Boothby, for creating something different from most other videos out there, and something that hangs together in a style that I think would be tricky to imitate.

I've seen brides raving about this on a forum (not that I hang out at bridal forums... honestly!... they rarely talk about video anyway).

James and Aubrey on Vimeo

Art Varga
June 17th, 2013, 11:37 AM
very nice! - 340K views on Vimeo - and not a single slider shot;)

Noa Put
June 17th, 2013, 11:51 AM
It's very nice as a very short form trailer but I can't see that continue for at least 20 minutes, or what do you do if the couple wants the ceremony completely, run around with your 5d and super 8 handheld all the time? :)

The way they present it now it works, very short, fast edited and the mixture of 5d and super8 works well because they do it all handheld, even the absolute lack of any live sound doesn't seem to be an issue, it's a perfect demo to showcase your work, I only would not know how to shoot like this but present a longer form film but I guess it's not intended to do it in that way.

Roger Gunkel
June 17th, 2013, 05:52 PM
I don't actually like it, although I can acknowledge that it has been put together very cleverly as a piece of artwork.

I don't like the camerawork and I find the whole thing disjointed and gimicky. I also don't like the fact that it is edited like a music video cut with wedding shots, but with none of the wedding atmosphere. Of course with 350K hits, my opinion is irrelevant anyway :-)


Chris Harding
June 18th, 2013, 05:33 AM
Hi Roger

I also share your opinion BUT if that's what brides would die for, then shucks bring on the money !! Our industry is not of course what we like at all, but what the bride likes and if your target market wants something like this style you would be an idiot to blindly insist on doing things "your way"

We have a guy (I think he is in Sydney actually Adrian) who also combines Super 8 film with video and he is well known and well supported. We have to market our product and develop it to suit our audience so maybe it's time to go thru the classifieds trying to spot a good condition Bell and Howell Super 8 camera???

Only issue here is that AFAIK Australia only has access to Agfa stock and it can only be processed now in Germany. Gosh Super8 brings back memories ..that was what got me into video actually as a friend of mine's Dad was busy filming an optical title with his Bell and Howell and I was mesmorised! I was only 13 at the time but decided..that was what I wanted to do in life!!


Roger Gunkel
June 18th, 2013, 06:45 AM
Perhaps I could see if there is a market for recording straight to VHS and selling at a premium price complete with a retro VHS player. I bet there are some people out there who would pay for it. I think I've actually got an old super 8 cine camera and projector somewhere and I may still have my Yashica editing machine. If I can just find my cine to video converter as well I may have just struck gold!

Seriously though I think it is just setting another niche corner of an already steadily diminishing market. I see the water steadily draining out of the pond and all the fish thrashing about in the same space. Perhaps the bigger pond of the other 90% of the market might be a better hunting ground.


Noa Put
June 18th, 2013, 07:54 AM
Perhaps the bigger pond of the other 90% of the market might be a better hunting ground.

Yeah but the small pond where the fish trash each other have the biggest food supply while the remaining 90% have to do with the leftovers :)

If you deliver something "special" it might be easier to convince your clients it's worth 10 fold, there are very known videographers that have starting prizes from 12k and up. Are they worth that? If you can convince your client they are and that's where the 10% fish thrashing pond is located at. :)

Chris Harding
June 18th, 2013, 08:02 AM
Hi Roger

I have no intention of looking for a Super 8 camera and telecine unit nor would I switch to DSLR's and do 15 minute films for the bride ..I guess there are markets everywhere but based on what brides ask me for which is an accurate record of the day (and don't leave anything out) that is what I need to supply to make a living. Really the market dictates how your shoot and what you shoot.

A lot time ago I was totally convinced that the good ole cheesy wedding video should be replaced with something closer to a reality documentary .. shoot the wedding footage but also have pre-wedding interviews and post wedding interviews so you could have the bride walking down the aisle and then cut to the post interview with the groom expressing his feelings as he saw his bride for the first time. For me that TV show style would be a winner because you have a real story line and real pre and post cutaways and it would make riveting viewing ... This to me was a combination that would make every bride want one!
It failed miserably!! Brides were simply not interested in having their wedding as a TV reality show as attractive as it sounded to me, it wasn't what any bride wanted. It could be a niche market of course but it's easier (to quote your comment) "The other 90% of the market might be a better hunting ground"


Roger Gunkel
June 18th, 2013, 03:08 PM
Noa - I have absolutely no doubt that there are big paying customers out there, but getting big paying customers means taking on big costing promotion and equipment and higher risk levels. I would rather film 20 weddings at £1000 each, than 2 £10000 weddings. The loss of one of twenty weddings is a shame, but the loss of a £10000 one would be a disaster.

Chris - I think our heads are in the same place with this, as I feel that a full coverage documentary will always be immersive and reflect the day, whereas many who elect to book a more fashionable and glamorous short form only, will love it initially, but as the years progress it will look dated and lack any real insight into the day. How many old music videos were great at the time, but now seem dated with corny gimmicks. On the other hand, most old documentaries still have much content value decades later, as the imaging is classic documentary style even when the image quality is low.

I do support those that offer both together though as perhaps the best package.


Noa Put
June 18th, 2013, 04:48 PM
Even-though I do agree with what you say I often think whether what I think matters? Even if it's a empty shiny shell I would be selling, if it sells and if the clients are happy and pay a premium for that, why should I care if they get disappointing in a few years that they choose something that doesn't reflect their day? My common sense says to give them something they can remember their day about but common sense doesn't always pay the bills :) Maybe we should give our clients what they expect instead of what we think they need?

Adrian Tan
June 18th, 2013, 05:23 PM
There's a Sex in the City episode where Carrie dates a guy who made a documentary about pigeons.

CARRIE: Oh, I love that documentary about pigeons. I'm so glad you're bringing awareness to their situation.
GUY: F**k the pigeons. It's just money. I'd sell toilet bowls if it made me a millionaire.

Noa Put
June 18th, 2013, 05:28 PM
The question is, do you want to be a dreamer and idealist or sell your soul to be a millionaire? :)

I"m happy to be a dreamer right now just selling enough to pay the bills and get some new toys every now and then, but still I question myself if I shouldn't be trying something new, and not necessarily what I think is best.

Roger Gunkel
June 18th, 2013, 06:07 PM
I suppose it could be seen as a moral dilemma between making quick money or producing something with lasting value. I don't really see it as either, although I do like to feel that my clients have a full lasting record of their day.

I also don't really feel that there is more money to be made from one one format over the other, as it probably takes a similar time to make a full length doc as a cinematic short version. For me, it's about paying the bills doing something that I really enjoy, whilst giving the client a lifetime memento of their day. It may well be possible for me to find high paying clients and spend more on equipment, promotion and time, but I run my business to enable me to enjoy my life and have no desire to have my work take over my life.

I would quite likely produce a highlights only video if that was what I was asked for, but I never have been and would probably make sure the differences in style are clearly explained first. I know that I would be disappointed not to be able to give them so many little moments that they will never have the opportunity of seeing again.

Perhaps I'm too sentimental.


Chris Harding
June 18th, 2013, 06:52 PM
Hi Guys

I'm probably in the same boat too ... I do like to feel that I have given the bride her money's worth but yes, I also have to pay the bills too so it's a bit of a compromise.

I guess to some brides a 15 minute highlight of their wedding is all they want (or expect) Others, especially some ethnic groups need every second covered. "The customer is always right" phrase probably sums it up perfectly.

Maybe we need to run our normal everyday weddings as one business and keep brides happy and then sort of "dabble" in different aspects of format and length when we are quiet?


Daniel Latimer
June 19th, 2013, 06:04 AM
I love that they are doing something unique. I'm sure it's a niche (and pricey) market to have someone record on film. If a bride really wanted that style, the look could simulate the style through a plug in. Crumplepop has a retrograde plugin that would look similar.