View Full Version : Audio wont render - video does

Geoff Jak
June 12th, 2013, 12:18 PM
Trying to render a project and the audio will not render. Get the dreaded "The reason could not be determined". I've had the "low system memory" at times as well. Using Vegas Pro 11 32 bit.

I thought it was a video problem but when I rendered the video only (AVCHD 720 mp4 Upper Field No Audio 4K 25p) then 720p 4K it rendered no problems both times - so that's a relief anyway.

When I tried rendering audio only it tells me there is an error -"The reason could not be determined". This is happening right at the start of the timeline. In earlier render attempts I eventually noticed it was rendering (both video and audio) for exactly 43 seconds. I rendered sections from several places down the timeline and same thing - 43 seconds before it would terminate with the dreaded "The reason could not be determined".

I have two tracks containing track level audio filters and several individual Track EQ's (wind suppression). Just turned them off and still it wont render.

Surprisingly when I render to 1920 x 1080 50i with both video and audio (m2ts) the whole program (5 minutes) renders smoothly. I really need to get this to Vimeo specs hence the earlier 720p attempt but I cant get there yet. Very time consuming.

If you can advice me Id really appreciate it.

Chris Harding
June 12th, 2013, 07:11 PM
Hey Geoff

Why are you rendering to such a weird preset. For Vimeo or YouTube all you need to do is render to Sony AVC template at the bitrate you need ...just the Internet preset is fine. I see "Upper Field" mentioned in your preset too??? What online hosts need is a simple 1280x720 MP4 clip with square pixels and 25P and it should render with absolutely no issues at all.


Gerald Webb
June 13th, 2013, 03:26 AM
As Chris said Geoff, that does seem like a strange preset foe Vimeo.
I know Ive said this before, but,
Render to Sony MXF to match your Project settings (interlaced or not, does not matter, just match the majority of your source footage).
Download Handbrake
HandBrake: Downloads (
If you rendered an interlaced MXF select deinterlace in your Handbrake settings.
Render at Constant quality 20, and change picture size to 1280x720.
This will give you the best quality for file size you can get with any paid or free software.

Mike Kujbida
June 13th, 2013, 05:34 AM
This tutorial is applicable to Vimeo too.

Sony Vegas to Youtube Tutorial - A Better Method - YouTube

Ron Windeyer
June 16th, 2013, 07:42 PM
Hey Geoff - I just had an experience which MAY have some relevance. Finished a project (editing for a friend) - when it came to rendering, the video would render out just fine, but the audio fell over every time.
I eventually found the problem - the first music track I had put in was a mp3 file, which Vegas evidently didn't like for the transcoding to AC3. When I converted this file to a wav, all the problems went away.