View Full Version : various slog2 to Rec709 LUT samples

Dennis Hingsberg
June 9th, 2013, 11:30 PM
These LUTs were applied using Davinci with no other pre or post image adjustments. Individual results will vary on the exposure and color temperature setting of the original footage. You may need to adjust your exposure before applying LUT for optimal results.

You can view a 1920x1080 version available by clicking image.

original frame shot in slog2 + sgamut (

slog2 to Rec709 version 1 (LUT posted by Sony in March 2013) (

1D slog2 to Rec709 LUT built into Davinci v9 or higher (

slog2-sgamut to Rec709 LC709 (Released June 2nd 2013 by Sony) (

slog2-sgamut to Rec709 LC709 Type A (Released June 2nd 2013 by Sony) (

slog2-sgamut to Rec709 Cine+709 (Released June 2nd 2013 by Sony) (

Other LUTS:

starcentral LOW CON 01 LUT (available for free download F3 SLOG LUTs | hingsberg's blog ( (

starcentral GOLDEN TEXAS LUT (available for free download F3 SLOG LUTs | hingsberg's blog ( (

Alister Chapman
June 10th, 2013, 01:19 AM
Just remember the use of the Sony LUT's reduces your ability to grade as the LUTs transform the material from it's original wide S-Log2 range to the much narrower 709 range. The only one of the Sony LUT's designed for the final grade is Rec709 Cine+709 which is there to create a specific look. The others are designed as reference or MLUT's not to be graded. Of course you can grade them if you choose, but that's not how they are designed to be used.