View Full Version : Giant Squid Iriver mic cable

John Unger
September 25th, 2005, 08:58 AM
Hey guys and gals,

We just purchased an iRiver 890 through eBay and I was looking at the lav mics offered from Giant Squid. I see that the cables rangein length from 1 ft to 5 ft, with minimal cost difference.

For those of you using these, what length did you purchase? It seems like 5ft of cable would be difficult to stuff away, but I could see some advantages depending on the situation. Do you lose quality with longer cables?

Looking to purchase, just making sure I get the right one. Our main use of thew iRiver will be for wedding vows and other smaller voice needs.

Thanks again

Douglas Spotted Eagle
September 25th, 2005, 09:03 AM
Get the 5, you'll be glad you did. Rolling it up on an old solder or telephone wire cable spool is a great way to store it,and the flanges of the spool protect it. Just for the span alone...nice to have it.

Bill Binder
September 25th, 2005, 10:53 AM
BTW, they'll make it any length you want for an extra couple of bucks. Just email him directly before ording. He'll also throw on a right-angle mini plug if you want for a few extra more. I bought a 13' mono omni with right-angle plug just for using as a quick and dirty lav setup for my GS400. It's the perfect length to just clip onto someone and tape.

Marion Abrams
September 25th, 2005, 12:16 PM
I just bought one too, and I have two questions:

I see Giant Squid offers powered and unpowered mics. Do you need a powered mic to use with the iRiver? Also, what sort of cables / adapters would I need to tie into a sound board with the iRiver?