View Full Version : Kensington adapter works with sandisk 128gB
Bo Skelmose May 31st, 2013, 06:08 AM Hi
Bought some sonnet card adapters to be able to use the Sandisk 128 gB SD cards (45mbs). Just tried the SD cards in my older kensington adapter and there is no problem ! 431 min. recording time !!!
Doug Jensen May 31st, 2013, 04:15 PM 431 eggs in one flimsy basket! Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Good luck with that.
Al Gardner May 31st, 2013, 04:35 PM I use Sandisk 64 gigs in MXR EXTREME adapters. I use sandisk only and I'm afraid to go over 64gigs.
Bo Skelmose June 1st, 2013, 02:09 AM Until I experience a problem or lost footage, I have no problem using a technology :) Naturally I considered it when the Compact Cassete got 120 min recording time or when hardisks got from 4 to 12 gB or today when I still think there must be a limit when they make 4 tB hardisks instead of 3 tB. There are a lot of good things using an adapter with SD cards - like if I am on a job with my notebook and the SD card goes directly into a slot. SD cards are used in my GH3, my AG-HMR10, D800 - and maybe soon in my P2 equipment - so it is a standard - for the time being :)
Al Gardner June 1st, 2013, 11:24 AM I doubt you will stop using technology because of lost footage. I have had corrupt footage on the stock Sony cards in My EX1R.
I notice you chose Sandisk just as I did. And that's only because i believe all technology is not created equal even if it serves the same purpose.
I think your comparisons to cassette tape and hard drives are a moot point. Totally different applications.
But I applaud your willingness to embrace the technology. I shoot a lot of very long form work so I need larger cards.
But there is a limit to how much egg I want on my face should i have a failure. And 64 gig while high anyway, is my current limit.
I have 6 32 gig Sandisk Efilms MXR combos and 2 64 gig combos. And also a Sony 16 gig SXS that gets used the least. The only failure i have ever had was on the Sony and it was a small corrupt file on a shoot that I was able to just do a retake. I still trust the Sony the most for some unknown reason.
I shoot a lot of conference video , that's roughly 6 to 7 hours a day across several cameras. I shoot during the day and offload at night. I no longer have to offload in the middle of a shoot.
While I have some other brands such as Transcend and Patriot in my personal dslr, I only use the Sandisk Efilm MXR combo for paid work.
Doug Jensen June 1st, 2013, 12:25 PM If there ever was a reasonable argument for using SD cards with XDCAM camcorders, it lost all validity when XQD cards were introduced. If SxS cards are too expensive for someone, then XQD by far the next best alternative.
Luc De Wandel June 1st, 2013, 02:04 PM Ever since I split an SD-card in half while trying to pry it out of my GoPro camera, I consider these cards as suitable only for pure amateur use. This conviction is supported by the fact that none of my pro DSLR cameras use SD as their main recording device. Compact Flash and SxS are developed and made to withstand a professional environment, SD-cards are not.
David Heath June 1st, 2013, 03:21 PM Ever since I split an SD-card in half while trying to pry it out of my GoPro camera, I consider these cards as suitable only for pure amateur use. This conviction is supported by the fact that none of my pro DSLR cameras use SD as their main recording device. Compact Flash and SxS are developed and made to withstand a professional environment, SD-cards are not.
How do you feel about micro-P2....? :-) Effectively, it's an SD card built to a high performance for speed etc, but physically - it's an SD card. Yet it's what Panasonic seem to be betting the farm on for the future, likely to be increasingly used in their higher end equipment. When that happens, I wonder if the smaller form factor will become more accepted?
One advantage SD does have over CF is the facility of a write protect switch. There seems to be evidence that a number of cases of corruption of cards once they leave the camera are due to spurious writes etc by other equipment. (That's true for all types of card.) At least write protect protects against that.
Al Gardner June 1st, 2013, 05:57 PM Ever since I split an SD-card in half while trying to pry it out of my GoPro camera, I consider these cards as suitable only for pure amateur use. This conviction is supported by the fact that none of my pro DSLR cameras use SD as their main recording device. Compact Flash and SxS are developed and made to withstand a professional environment, SD-cards are not.
Luc what makes the Sony cards so durable is that you never touch the inner card. The same as with my setup above. Once Insert a card into the adapter it never comes out.
So splitting a card in 2 or any other damage to the card is impossible.
I'm not sure what you call amateur use but I get paid quite well when using these.
I can go along with your belief that that they wouldn't work for you. But my experience and the experience of many others suggest otherwise. But I also understand the need to cling to a belief for no apparent reason.
Luc De Wandel June 2nd, 2013, 03:59 AM When the card never leaves the adapter, you have a point, Al. In all other cases I consider it too mechanically vulnerable to be reliable.
Bryce Comer June 2nd, 2013, 10:32 AM Luc what makes the Sony cards so durable is that you never touch the inner card. The same as with my setup above. Once Insert a card into the adapter it never comes out.
So splitting a card in 2 or any other damage to the card is impossible.
Hi Al,
So are you able to use the MxR adaptor with the Sandisk SD card in the Sony reader, or are you using it with an express card slot? I am unable to read the MxR adaptor with Sandisk SD card combo with my reader so have to take the SD card out & insert it in my SD card reader.
Bryce Comer June 2nd, 2013, 11:04 AM Oops, sorry, duplicate post
Al Gardner June 2nd, 2013, 11:57 AM I use the Efilms adapter. My cards are never removed.
Bryce Comer June 2nd, 2013, 08:13 PM Ok, thanks for that, I hadn't seen that reader. So does this reader also work with the Sony SxS cards?
Al Gardner June 2nd, 2013, 08:19 PM Unfortunately it doesn't. My Asus laptop reads the Sony cards though.
Bryce Comer June 2nd, 2013, 08:19 PM Great to know, thanks for your help.
Jack Zhang June 2nd, 2013, 11:30 PM If there ever was a reasonable argument for using SD cards with XDCAM camcorders, it lost all validity when XQD cards were introduced. If SxS cards are too expensive for someone, then XQD by far the next best alternative.
Though I agree on all fronts on this, I have yet to see a first hand account of this applying for the EX1 and EX1R with the new firmware update 1.30. It's a given for the 100, 150, 160, and 200 though.
Robert Bale June 3rd, 2013, 05:08 AM And I agree to !! I moved to sxs cards after having two card fails. I keep the sandisk cards and adapters as backups now.
Al Gardner June 3rd, 2013, 08:03 AM Robert,
What would you move to if you had a SXS caed fail, like i did?
John Peterson June 12th, 2013, 06:53 AM I have been shooting almost exclusively with the Sonnett adapters and occasionally I use the older Kensington adapters (that stick out) on my EX1.
I use up to 64GB Patriot Memory cards.
Flawless operation in every respect.
So why don't I try the 128GB cards? They cost too much. Much more than two 64GB cards.