View Full Version : 3 days and gone...
Zac Stein November 27th, 2002, 08:49 AM How is this for a fun story.....
3 days ago i had a very depressing event happen in my life.
Approx a week ago i finally recieved my camera, a brand spanking new xl1s with a miller ds10 #828 tripod, senheiser shotgun and all the fun bits that comes with these.
It had taken me 2 years to save up for these, as well as a small student loan, but as i am finally doing my masters degree and a lot of it requires video production so it was an investment for the future.
after owning the camera for 2 days, it was time to stretch it out, i loaded up all my equipment into my car, and headed out to meet up with friends to do some mock shoots in a hall to see what i can do.
I walked into the hall to say hello to my friends there, offer me a drink, after less than 15 mins we walk to the car.
To put it shortly, a window had been smashed, battery was pulled from the car and all the wiring was ripped out, and everything in the car was gone, including my radio.
There was also significant damage to my car, which i have only had 9 months, and was recently fixed from another accident when a woman hit my car.
Well after contacting insurance, it seems it is going to cost me a bundle for everything and not even everything was coverered, because even with reciepts they refuse to believe so much was stolen from the car and won't cover all the expenses.
I have explored every avenue now, so it looks like my dream has been cut short. They have promptly paid out to me what they feel they should, which just covered the camera, but nothing else that comes with it.
I am very depressed about this entire incident, the only silver lining i can see is that someone my dad knows just sold his production business and he is willing to sell me a pd150 with a manfrotto 501 tripod and mic for a little less than the xl1s is new.
Life is so tough some times, it sometimes gets you down, with 2 family members in hospital at the moment and my own health problems, i hope everyone here will try and learn that even when situations like mine come up, i am still trying to live my dream.
Moral of the story, 15 minutes is a lifetimes dreams, so keep your dream alive and never leave your stuff not even for 10 minutes, even if you have a ED209 sitting on your car roof.
John Locke November 27th, 2002, 09:07 AM Kermie,
I hear you, man. Believe me, I've been there. I'm really sorry this had to happen to you...someone with such talent and enthusiasm.
And what a haul that cretin bastard got! Hopefully, he'll get hit by a bus or something and make the world 1/6billionth a better place. He thinks he just stole some "stuff"...and doesn't know and probably doesn't care that what he actually stole was hope and dreams. BUT...only temporarily...because you've STILL got your talent and with talent comes hope and dreams. So, yes, this is a major setback...but you'll show the bastard someday when you get a major film produced portraying this event and showing him and the world what a miserable piece of slime he is.
Keep your chin up, Kermie. Remember...every great success story involves someone who overcomes all, in that sense, you're already on your way.
Take care of your health. And remember, you've got people on this board from all over the world who know you, care about you, and are looking forward to your next film.
Adrian Douglas November 27th, 2002, 09:37 AM I bet Kermie's next film will be an action film. I can just imagine the plot. Maybe you should come here are make a Japanese movie, they're all about revenge.
Like john said mate, keep you chin up, and sleep well knowing that karma will get the bastard, always does, always will.
By the way, if you're gonna be round the Goldy on Jan 2 let me know. We're having a bit of a BBQ/Wedding deal at Burleigh Point and you're more than welcome.
Dylan Couper November 27th, 2002, 10:16 AM Kermie, that's a horrible break. Here's some advice that may help you.
I'm sure you probably have the serial numbers for the cam somewhere, take those and get pics of all your stolen gear off the internet, print them out and distribute them to every avenue for disposing of stolen merchandise in your area, along with offering a reward. At least it'll make it harder for the bastard to fence them.
Here's what I'd also do....
Contact a local newspaper, one of the smaller ones. Hit them up to do a story "Local Filmmaker's Dream Ruined By Petty Theft, Insurance Company Screws Him." That type of thing would get the front page of our local small papers. It'll make the theif's life harder, plus put HUGE pressure on the insurance company, plus you never know who else out there will offer to give you help.
Mark Moore November 27th, 2002, 03:50 PM Kermie - I echo all sentiments above that this is a very cruel break. However, I also like Dylan's suggestions.
A (very old) house I was renting was broken into six or seven years ago and several items were stolen from it (no renter's insurance but nothing that was stolen could compare to your loss). I made out as complete a list as I could (no serial numbers), delivered that list to the police and every pawn shop for a 20 mile radius. The shops here were very helpful and most (if not all) work with the local police.
Four weeks later (or so) I got back 90% of my stuff (some jewelry didn't make it back).
I also like the idea of a the local news doing a spot/article. That's a great suggestion. High profile/well publicized cases would seem to get the most police attention!
Being a 45 year old diabetic, I understand the health issues also, and I like your attitude of still living the dream. That's what I'm trying to do!
Good luck. I wish we could help more.
Paul Sedillo November 27th, 2002, 04:58 PM Kermie,
Man I am sorry to hear the news. Stay on your insurance company until you get the response that you want. Not sure if there is an insurance commision in Australia, but if there is contact them and see what they suggest you do.
Hang in there!
Frank Granovski November 27th, 2002, 05:39 PM That's really sad. Years ago I had a ton of photo gear lifted, and I'm still sad today. I could never replace all that great stuff I had. (The Zeiss and Nikon lenses are what I miss most, along with one of my old German cameras---made in 1954! Can you guess which model? M3. Ouch!!!!)
Are you in Sydney? Smash and grab is really bad there. The Panasonic office gets broken into there about every 2 weeks. They take cams, computers, tools----everything!
Here in Vancouver you can't leave anything in your car, in fact, you can't even leave your car! It's the car theft capital of North America. Can you believe that? I couldn't, but that's what they say.
Zac Stein November 28th, 2002, 12:36 AM Thankx for the words of encouragement,
I guess good things come of bad, the guy i am purchasing my gear off seems really nice, he gave me a boat load of stuff because he felt bad, including some fun tools like a century fish eye and glidecam 2000 for free!
I guess it is hard to understand why people would steal off others, it is very hard to work and save, and i havn't even considered every stealing anything ever, but i guess people are lazy and just want what they can't have.
thanx for the cheers,
ps. I am in Melbourne.
Ken Tanaka November 28th, 2002, 01:43 AM Aw Kermie, I am so sorry to read your predicament. I felt like someone had jabbed an ice pick in my back.
Speaking of which...
Aside from the effusive and heartfelt sympathy already offered by others, here's a thought that might help soften some of the hard edges from your experience. Here in Chicago last evening a University of Chicago professor who lives near the campus (not one of the better neighborhoods here) got out of his car carrying a bag of groceries. Before he could close the door someone ran up to him, stabbed him in the back with an ice pick and stole his car. Fortunately he will recover from his injuries. But my point is that, while your mental health may be a mite wobbly at the moment, your physical health is intact. Be thankful that you weren't bashed by a car-jacker.
Good things do often precipitate from calamity. It is very hard for most of us to understand such violations. But don't let it chip your spirit.
Rob Lohman November 28th, 2002, 08:58 AM This thing makes my blood boil... in ANGER... The disrespect
some people have for other peoples property. Especially expensive
ones that we all have to work very very hard for to get. I fully
understand when you say life sometimes just doesn't seem fair
at all.
Good luck to you and all the best in the world! Hang in there!!
Jeff Donald November 28th, 2002, 09:26 AM Life is full of adversity and challenges. Don't become a victim. It's time to gather your resources and move forward. Perhaps use this incident as a catalyst for a new project. Talk to people in a crime victims support group and make a video helping the group. Or make a documentary out of stories the people tell. Who can feel it and know it better than you? Turn this incident into a positive, use it to make your life and others better. This will enable you to put your loss into perspective and move forward. You've got the tools, commitment and passion to make a great statement. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and make a difference in this world.