View Full Version : FMU Failure.

Kyle Root
May 22nd, 2013, 04:55 PM
This past Saturday I was filming a wedding and for the first time ever in 2 years, I got an error saying that the camera was unable to record to the flash drive.

It was an evening wedding and I started filming at 5:00 PM. Fortunately, this occurred at 11:15 PM as the couple was leaving the reception. I mean it happened right as they were running down the exit line to the antique car and were about 5 feet from when the error popped up on screen.

After that, it said, "Recovering Data" or something like that.

When I got home and checked it had everything up to the point where they were.

The good thing is (1) It happened really late in the event (2) The SD card had the full scene captured.

Hence forth, why I will never by any solid state camera that doesn't have dual recording functionality!

Kyle Root
May 22nd, 2013, 05:02 PM
I forgot to mention, that camera was basically on the entire 6+ hours (not filming of course), and it was a balmy 80+ degrees w/ 100% humidity outside (outdoor wedding to boot). I'm not sure if that had something to do with it or not. I've never run the camera for the length of time.

I used a single F970 battery that whole time too, so I was pretty impressed with that. At the end of the evening, it said I had 12 minutes worth of charge left. So I'm not sure if low juice could have impacted the FMU either.