View Full Version : Camera not recognized by computer

Daniel Ridicki
May 20th, 2013, 06:51 AM
I am using my EX3 for 4 years now, and I am having the first issue: Last week I connected the camera to my MacPro by USB cable (as I was always doing) but the camera, rather the cards in the camera are not recognized by computer. Cards are OK, as I tried transfer via my MacBok Pro and it works as usual. So the problem is not related to the cards, but obviously to camera - computer connection.
Any idea what can I do to fix this issue?

Dave Sperling
May 20th, 2013, 06:47 PM
Do basic troubleshooting.
1 - Try a different cable. This is hopefully the issue.
2 - See if a different computer will recognize the camera
3 - See if your computer recognizes a different camera

Daniel Ridicki
May 20th, 2013, 07:34 PM

Did all three steps. To no avail. Tried to connect camera to three other computers, both Mac and PC - no luck. Computer recognizes my Canon DSLR.

No, it is camera.

Luc De Wandel
May 21st, 2013, 01:11 AM
Did you use the keyboard USB port on your Mac Pro? If so, try one of the ports on the computer itself and see if that works...

Daniel Ridicki
May 21st, 2013, 03:35 AM
No, I used proper input, and tried on three other computers. I was downloading the rushes same way for more then 3 years, and it does not wok no, all of a sudden. Is it possible that setup was changed? Then again, I executed factory reset, which did not help either. I was actually hoping something went wrong with the camera setup.... Perhaps wishful thinking. I suspect that input connector got bad. Is it possible?

Luc De Wandel
May 21st, 2013, 04:00 AM
Very strange. The camera was not in 'play' mode while you made the connection? Otherwise I have no clue...

Daniel Ridicki
May 21st, 2013, 05:04 AM
camera is set to play, naturally. Is there some inexpensive SxS card reader I can buy? Found only Sony reader - writer but it seems darn costly at 350$ in States. Anyone knows of cheaper reader?

Les Wilson
May 21st, 2013, 06:00 AM
It's an outside shot but I've had problems with USB devices out of the blue. For me it was a keyboard that was causing the problem on the USB buss. Disconnecting ALL USB devices except the EX1 may show you the camera is just fine. Also, the Apple System Profiler (Apple Menu -> About this Mac -> More Info) may show if the underlying hardware is seeing the camera.

Daniel Ridicki
May 21st, 2013, 08:02 PM
Tried it - no luck. As I said, I tried to connect the camera to 3 other computers with the same result, so it is not computer.

Les Wilson
May 22nd, 2013, 05:58 AM
I have the Sony SxS reader and am glad. In the field, it can be powered by OEM camera batteries that use the EX-1 power jack. Being USB, it will still be useful for mobile applications when my laptop dies. I think there's a Thunderbolt SxS reader as well made by someone else.