View Full Version : Noise Reduction

Eric Coughlin
May 19th, 2013, 09:16 PM
What noise reduction settings are you using on the C100?

It would seem to me that for in-camera noise reduction, that the 1 to 12 scale would have corresponding ISOs that result in the best picture (with some leeway for subjective views on visible noise vs sharpness). For example, perhaps at ISO 20,000 noise reduction at 12 is best, ISO 12,800 at NR 10, 850 at NR 3, etc.

And what about in-camera noise reduction vs post noise reduction? I read someone say that with AVCHD you'd be better off doing it in camera before the image is compressed. Does that sound right, and if so, would the same be true when recording to an external recorder?

What noise reduction programs would you recommend and why? The two I've heard most about are Magic Bullet Denoiser II and Neat Video.

Also, is there a way to change the noise reduction setting while recording? Apparently you can't access the Custom Picture Profile menu while recording, so perhaps a button could be mapped to noise reduction settings? I'm thinking not.