View Full Version : DVC3 "Self Made" -- Feedback

Dick Mays
September 24th, 2005, 09:02 AM
I went looking for a feedback thread for SELF MADE, and then I realized that it is set in HOUSTON, and Peter probably had to evacuate because of Hurricaine RITA. I thought Peter and his wife might like feedback to I took the liberty of starting a thread for him.

I loved the ending of this movie. The TV Camera crew walking up the steps, for a surprise "make over." But what were the little slips of paper he was passing to the bald guy about? This mystery rremained unanswered and left me wanting to see more.

Hugo Pinto
September 24th, 2005, 09:37 AM
Dick. that's a nice idea.

I also loved the movie's ending, which I wasn't expecting at all (I'm too conspiracy-inclined, so I immediatly started imagining larger-than-live entities messing with the character's life and close ones...)

Only doubt (maybe naive, or simple context-displaced) - what the hell was the main character's secret?! drugs? information? bribes? I could never figure that one out.

Obviously hope Peter is well with his loved ones.



Andrew Paul
September 24th, 2005, 10:01 AM
I thought the paper was small bags of drugs. Maybe a quick few scenes giving the basics of the story may have helped. Was it a makeover ? I thought it was one of those shows where you`re set up for the day and all those cameras was just a set up for a laugh. Not sure where the drugs come in though. Unfortunately we cant find out due to the storm.

I hope all is well with everyone over there in the states, I`m sure there are a few of you being affected. Everyone look after yourselves (from andy in the UK)

Bradley L Marlow
September 24th, 2005, 11:28 AM

Great job!

(Thanks Dick for starting this thread for Peter)

Certainly didn't see the ending coming. A make-over show...who'd a thought? I liked this. I thought you had a great paranoia feel going on here and like the others, am very curious as to exactly what it was this guy was selling/trading. Care to share? Or perhaps this will be explained in "Self Made Part 2"?

To Peter and his wife - best wishes to you and yours. I hope all is well and that you are safe and sound.

Pete Bauer
September 27th, 2005, 02:36 PM
Thanks, guys. The plot turned out to be a bit complex to fit into 3 minutes, and as you no doubt noticed, the small 8MB file is pretty low-rez. So after submitting the 3 minute piece for DVC, I was working on a longer "director's cut" to be rendered to a much larger file when Hurricane Rita chased us out of town.

Just got back last evening. No damage at all from the hurricane but it's going to take another day or so to get everything unpacked and us rested up again. Hope to have the director's cut posted by the weekend. Since that'll more reflect what I actually wanted to accomplish with the piece, I'll refrain from commenting on it until then so I don't bias your viewing and comments.

I have yet to view many of the other DVC#3 submissions, but those I did see (the ones released in the first couple of days) were great -- what creativity we have amongst our ranks! THANKS to Dylan and the rest of the judges for their hard work for DVC#3! It got me off my BUTT to shoot a short film, finally! THANKS!

I'll post to this thread again when I put the updated version online.

Bradley L Marlow
September 27th, 2005, 11:03 PM
Welcome back Pete!

Glad to hear you and yours are safe and sound. I can only imagine! Nice to read your home is not damged too.

Best wishes