View Full Version : Using AE to manage RAW files

Don Bazley
May 16th, 2013, 10:03 AM
I found a post that suggested using After Effects to mage the RAW files. Import the RAW files to AE and export as a lossless composition. Seems AE plays with the RAW files much better that Premier. The idea sounds great and it seems it will work. My issue is... The instructions said "click on the RAW file in AE". Well, with RAW there are MANY stills that make up the footage. I realize that AE will work by me selecting the first frame/still of the sequence and AE will apply all changes to all the remaining still files in that folder that make up the sequence. My problem is when I am importing the DNG files to AE I get a preview for each frame. That's a lot of previews! Is there some other way to get these DNG files into AE without previewing each DNG file on it's way into AE? If I can figure out this point, this seems to be a very simple way to manage the files. I'll do my color correct in Premier.

John Benton
May 20th, 2013, 04:16 PM
When you select ALL the .dngs
after a beat, a checkbox will appear for Raw footage
select it and then you will apply for all and put in timeline as footage