View Full Version : My first wedding film & a thank you to this forum

Noah Ruderman
May 15th, 2013, 09:18 PM
So I just completed my first wedding film from a wedding I shot in Palm Springs, CA last month and I would love some feedback from the forum.

It was a single shooter/single camera shoot & the full gear specs are listed on the Vimeo description if you are interested.

Ryan & Stephanie's Wedding Highlights "I remember her smile" on Vimeo

I wanted to thank everyone here for really helping me get to this point. I come from a filmmaking background but have never shot a wedding before. I spent a lot of time studying videos, tutorials and this forum to get myself prepared. I've since shot a 2nd wedding that I'm starting to edit now and I really believe having this forum has helped me learn a lot. So again, thanks to everyone and I do appreciate any feedback!

Ron McKinney
May 16th, 2013, 09:18 PM
First wedding and a single-camera shoot? Dude, this is just sick.

Congrats. By your fifth wedding, you should be charging $4000-plus.

Noah Ruderman
May 16th, 2013, 11:24 PM
Thanks a lot...Let's hope you're right!

Paul Mailath
May 17th, 2013, 08:00 AM
Didn't like it at all - way to good!

your 1st wedding video should be far less cinematic, where were the out of focus wobbly shots? the overexposed highlights? where was the poor audio?

when I look back at my 1st, I can see an improvment - you're left yourself nowhere to go - it's just too bloody good!

I'm going off in a dark corner to sulk!

seriously - it's bloody good - if I could pick one thing it's putting a moving shot after a moving shot, I prefer to be suprised by movement rather than expecting it

Noah Ruderman
May 17th, 2013, 07:10 PM
Thanks Paul, definitely appreciate it!

Audio was one of the biggest challenges for me, but taking the advice from this forum to buy a couple H1's & the giant squid lav (and audacity to denoise) worked out great. My only glitch was when the sister gave her speech from where she was standing & not next to where I had placed the H1's. I quickly turned up the gain on the in-camera rode mic and moved closer to her. Luckily that audio came out usable since her speech was one of the more emotional moments I wanted.

And I hear you about the moving shot. That's good advice, thanks again.

Adrian Tan
May 20th, 2013, 06:52 AM
Hey Noah, I liked the vibrancy of your colours generally; and I think three shots that caught my eye as compositionally striking were the through-the-blinds shot of the makeup, the shot with the lantern in the foreground on the left, and the image you used as the poster -- nice shallow DOF.

One random comment -- I personally think you should be careful about putting your company name and the couple's names so close to the edge of the frame... but maybe that doesn't matter for web... or even for anything else these days! Anyway, if you did want to be extra cautious, maybe use the title safe grid lines in your NLE?

Noah Ruderman
May 20th, 2013, 07:50 AM
Thanks Adrian, those were 3 of my favorite shots as well...As soon as I saw the door with the blinds in her hotel room, I knew I had to get that shot.

Good point about the title framing. The trailer is generally only going to be seen on the web for the most part, so it should be okay but I'll keep that in mind for sure, especially when working on the longer version.