View Full Version : Video to Web

Tom Woodworth
September 24th, 2005, 02:14 AM
I was wondering if anyone would be patient and willing enough to go through their process of getting their footage or quick clips on the web. A step by step guideline might be helpful. There may also be others who are interested in the best tried and true methods for getting both video movies and slideshow movies on the web. Thanks for all that provide the knowledge.

Gareth Watkins
September 24th, 2005, 02:42 AM
Hi Tom

this has probably been covered before.. so a search will no doubt throw up a few answers....

It's not hard really....
1) Edit your film in one of the NLE systems. I use Premier Pro.
2) Export your film using one of the options in your software... ie. Windows Media, Quicktime etc. to allow for streaming. I use Windows media as I edit on a PC. but most computers will play most formats these days...I put up three file sizes to cover the connections speeds most commonly used.. ie. 56k, 120k and 512k... Broadband speeds are getting better all the time so we will no doubt be putting 1meg clips up next year.
3) Once you have rendered out your video you will need to post it on your web space... I use Cute FTP for this. You may have to check with your internet provider if they allow video as it is very heavy. Ours charges considerabley more than a regular fee for our video space on the server.
4) You will then need to build your web page to link to the video sequences. To my mind building nice webpages is the hardedest bit...

Hope this helps and gives you somewhere to start.

Sean McHenry
September 25th, 2005, 09:11 PM
We have a thread on this in the DVChallenge forum. I't sticky and near the top of the forum list.

Sean McHenry

Tom Woodworth
September 28th, 2005, 08:08 PM
Ok thanks a bunch guys.