View Full Version : Generic picture profile anyone?
Peter Rush May 13th, 2013, 03:03 AM Well so far I'm using PP3 for indoor (and then lifting saturation/contrast in post) and PP2 for outdoors but recently I've been switching between indoors and outdoors so much it's proving to easy to forget to change profile (adding in putting on and taking off a ND filter)
So has anyone a useful profile that will provide a good enough look for indoors AND outdoors? I would like to save time in post if possible as well :)
Chris Harding May 13th, 2013, 04:54 AM Hi Pete
I still am also looking for one!! So far I'm using the same as you and in Sony Vegas I just lift Saturation in the colour corrector plugin to 1.5 outdoors and about 1.25 indoors and it works ...Surely one could configure a PP that just lifts saturation using the colour parameters to save in post ??? I have also found that my outdoor shots do seem a little over contrasty too ... Are you reducing contrast with outdoor shots or increasing it?? Maybe the answer is to set the camera up on a tripod and slowly record 30 secs at a time of the same scene changing colour parameters after each and then seeing how close one can get to perfection?? So far with tests I have found that greens tend to be a bit dull but haven't decided that is the only one needing a lift... What have you found it needs for both indoor and outdoor?
Peter Rush May 13th, 2013, 05:07 AM I've no wedding for two weeks now Chris (then 3 on the trot!!!) so I'm going to dedicate some time to tweaking PP3 - yes the greens are dull and saturation is very flat but can easily boosted in Premiere Pro - PP2 is good for outdoors but to contrasty for indoors work - again i can correct in Premiere a little.
My main problem in the midst of all that's going on in a wedding is forgetting - that then becomes a workflow PITA!
Chris Harding May 13th, 2013, 05:14 AM Hi Pete
For that very reason my cams are both on PP3 and stay there and then in post I push saturation either a little or a lot for indoor/outdoor shots as everything is on the same profile. I have a 2 week break too but my only real issue is overcontrasty outdoor shots so I will also have time to play with that!!
Let us know if you find anything exciting ... Are you shooting doc style or cinematic style ... to my eye the already contrasty PP3 outdoors with saturation boost looks quite film like but it doesn't match my other outdoor shots in deep shade
Noa Put May 13th, 2013, 04:14 PM I used JR45Cine2 on a wedding last Saturday and that one looked good to me. If you want I can show some before and after frames, in- and outdoor?
Erik Wittbusch May 14th, 2013, 01:49 AM Hi.
Very welcome!
I also did some comparisons of the Sony PP3 and the JR45cine2.
I think that I will need something in between these two.
The PP3 looks good for me indoors but os also too much contrasty for most of my outdoor shots.
I am in India, doing some coporate filming without the EA50, as it is to new for this kind of job.
When I return in the mid if june, I plan to generate my own profile which should be more or less in the middle of the two above mentioned PP.
Peter Rush May 14th, 2013, 05:53 AM I used JR45Cine2 on a wedding last Saturday and that one looked good to me. If you want I can show some before and after frames, in- and outdoor?
Yes please Noa - I've 2 weeks before my next wedding and I'm hoping to get time to experiment!
Peter Rush May 14th, 2013, 06:37 AM I used JR45Cine2 on a wedding last Saturday and that one looked good to me. If you want I can show some before and after frames, in- and outdoor?
Could you post the settings Noa - or a link?
Noa Put May 14th, 2013, 08:22 AM I"ll try to see what I can do this evening or tomorrow, I'm swamped with work right now. Just to clarify, I"ll show some samples before and after color correction. Probably will be behind a private link with password as I do not have a approval from the couple.
Noa Put May 14th, 2013, 03:34 PM Ok, I slapped a few frames on the timeline with the JR45Cine2 profile with each time how it looks unedited and after colorcorrection, I just picked some quick frames and they are certainly not the best but that's all the time I can spend right now. Pls let me know what you think, I will send the link and password as pm to anyone that requested it here. Pls don't share this video any further.
James Manford May 14th, 2013, 04:37 PM Ok, I slapped a few frames on the timeline with the JR45Cine2 profile with each time how it looks unedited and after colorcorrection, I just picked some quick frames and they are certainly not the best but that's all the time I can spend right now. Pls let me know what you think, I will send the link and password as pm to anyone that requested it here. Pls don't share this video any further.
Can I have a link please? interested to see the differences.
Chris Harding May 14th, 2013, 07:19 PM I'm actually more interested to find a profile that I can use straight from the camera ..PP3 works great for me but I need post correction ...if I can avoid the saturation lift in post by including it in the profile that's one less job to do !!
I think Pete's end result is to able to have one profile that does an awesome job on both indoor and outdoor shoots and requires little or no post correction ...I guess that's a big ask???
Dan Eskelson May 14th, 2013, 08:22 PM As Noa, I have been happy with the JR4Cine2 both indoors and out. Depending on the light, little to no correction needed in post.
Noa Put May 15th, 2013, 12:51 AM I'm actually more interested to find a profile that I can use straight from the camera ..
Same here, although that cine profile is fine as a base I need to color-correct in post to get the look I want, I am sure it should be possible to get that look in camera but that would require quite some time to test. I would like to have a look with enough latitude but with more pronounced and accurate color. This reminds me of my xh-a1, plenty of presets available to try but never really found any to my liking, there I also filmed flat and corrected in post to get the look I want. Nothing wrong with that but it would save time to get that in camera.
Noa Put May 15th, 2013, 01:19 AM Here's some footage I did allready 8 years ago with my dvx100b with a factory standard scene file that would mimic a filmlook, this color was so great, if I could get that look back again in camera ...