View Full Version : Novoflex Adapter 100% perfect

Chris Harding
May 13th, 2013, 02:35 AM
Hi Guys

Just got my NEX/NIK adapter this afternoon and its perfect ,,high quality German engineering and fits onto the EA-50 and my Nikon lenses like it was part of the camera struggling or tightness and just the same as fitting a lens to the camera body ...the aperture ring is also smooth and works perfectly.

Special thanks to Justin for testing his one and telling me what to buy ...Seriously, don't waste your money on the cheap Chinese adapters ..get a NovoFlex ... Mine from Germany was E164.00 plus E6.00 for shipping and it's money very well spent.

I shot some footage on my Tokina 11-16 F2.8 wide angle and the footage was all good. I left the camera in full auto with focus peaking on and exposure is well controlled and focus is really easy to handle.

I'll try my other Nikon lenses a bit later as it's getting late here now


Peter Rush
May 13th, 2013, 02:41 AM
Hi Chris - I emailed Novoflex and they don't do one for Canon EOS so I'm about to order the Metabones Speedbooster - Expensive but the thought of being able to use my 24-105mm F4 L Series lens is just too good - the constant aperture will be f2.8 - great for dingy churches and dark receptions.

Justin Turner
May 13th, 2013, 03:43 AM
Great! Im happy it fits perfect for you!

Chris Harding
May 16th, 2013, 08:25 PM
Thanks Justin

I just realised that I have two cameras so I really need two adapters and my German guy has sold out!!

I'll have to hunt around for a second one.

Pete? I'm using the Novoflex with my big Sigma 24-70 lens and it's awesome..also constant F2.8 and makes a huge difference at ceremonies ... I find it strange that Novoflex cannot make an adapter for Canon L series lenses???

I'm toying around with using my Tokina F2.8 11-16 at receptions on the 2nd cam ... it's also nice a fast!! and I do prefer zooms


Peter Rush
May 17th, 2013, 02:34 AM
I've just received my Metabones Speedbooster Chris - I'm planning on using my Canon 24-105mm f4 lens - the speedbooster takes it down to a constant f2.8 - gonna be great for dingy churches and dark reception speeches :)

Chris Harding
May 17th, 2013, 06:07 AM
Hi Pete

Awesome ..Constant F2.8 is what you need!! Just as a comparison I shot some footage in the kitchen this evening with the stocklens semi-zoomed (F4.5) and the camera wanted 21db gain ... I put on the Sigma 24-70 F2.8 and did the same shot and same zoom and was between 12db and 15db. Of course the Sony 18-200 would have totally died if I had zoomed any more as it would have gone to F5.6 quickly and the gain would have skyrocketed ...With the Sigma even at 70mm it's still F2.8 and only 12db gain.

You wouldn't go as far at 105mm on the Canon surely at weddings??? Give us your thoughts once you have tried it out!


Peter Rush
May 17th, 2013, 10:05 AM
Chris I'm really only using the Canon for the the ceremony and speeches - I'll revert to the kit lens for the rest of the day - I may look for a shorter zoom though to compliment the 24-105 - maybe something like the 16-35 EF - the Canon is over £1K so might look at Sigma


Steven Digges
May 17th, 2013, 01:36 PM
Hey Pete,

Good luck with the Metabones. You will love it. I have the Canon 16-35L 2.8 and I love it.


Peter Rush
May 18th, 2013, 07:37 AM
I have 3 weddings next weekend so will post my thoughts on the Metabones - the 16-35L is a little pricey so i'm tempted by the 17-40 mm f/4.0L which is pretty much half the price - It'll be f2.8 via the metabones which should be good enough for me :)

Chris Harding
May 18th, 2013, 07:17 PM
Hi Pete

My next two are the week after and then they get scarce as we are full on into Winter. I used my Tokina 11-16 F2.8 yesterday on a Realty shoot and it works very well too ..At 11mm you have such invcredible DOF that you hardly have to touch the focus ring at all as everything is in focus from 4' to infinity ...I'm just relying on peaking more than anything else.

In case anyone is interested I using the cam in full auto with the adapter so the screen shows nothing for aperture and auto-switches to manual focus ... good firmware control. So I'm exposing by purely using a fixed aperture and letting the camera chose the shutter and gain/iso ... One thing I have noticed though, (it also seems to happen with the kit lens) is that the camera in auto tends to over-expose images in low light especially when you are close to the subject or have zoomed in ...Essentially it seems to be applying more gain than is necessary which you can tell from the zebras which are quite frequent even at 90%.... That's where Noa's idea of being able to "dial the ISO" would be brilliant as with a manual lens I can stop down but that creates too much noise as the gain still stays high....Anyone else notice this????

At night, zoom in close to a subject in auto and see if you also tend to get a lot of zebras and a higher gain/iso than is needed??


Peter Rush
May 27th, 2013, 04:36 AM
Well I've used the Metabones Speedbooster with my 24-105mm L F4 and the extra stop (down to 2.8) throughout is awesome - One church in particular was fairly dark and the kit lens would have struggled - pushing the gain up to 21 or even 24. I also used it for the reception speeches - again the footage not suffering from as much gain as with the kit lens.

The only drawback is changing back to the kit lens (such as for the register signing) quickly enough - I'll get used to it though - it's a small price to pay for nice footage!

Chris Harding
May 27th, 2013, 05:25 AM
Hi Pete

That's good news! I will try out my Sigma 24-70 at my wedding on Saturday and see if it's better than the kit lens. However I'll keep it on the A-cam only which mainly does mid shots of the couple during vows and also shoots the readings which often need a bit extra zoom so the constant F2.8 will help there.

I have a rehearsal at the Church tomorrow so I'll see what the altar position looks like with the 24-70.

I normally use the kit lens on my 2nd cam for wide shots but if the light is poor I can also use my F2.8 11-16 zoom on the Novoflex! (nice that I now have one for each camera)

The update is much appreciated and I'll let you know my thoughts after my weekend too!


Peter Rush
May 27th, 2013, 05:33 AM
Chris - in churches I can't always get close enough so the kit lens starts to ramp as I zoom in a little and I'm usually at 4.5 - 5.6, so being able to have f2.8 even at 105mm is awsome - I just need to practice changing it back to the kit lens quickly for the register/recessional (I need autofocus to follow the couple back down the aisle).
