View Full Version : loose EX3 Handle

Brent Kaplan
May 10th, 2013, 12:59 PM
I noticed a lot of movement and play with my EX3 recently, any Idea how to fix this ???

Alister Chapman
May 12th, 2013, 03:35 AM
Have a look for a crack on the side or just under the handle towards the front on the left side just under the zoom switch. Quite a common problem I'm afraid. Caused by many things like picking up the camera and tripod by the camera handle or carrying a loaded up camera with extra bit like base plates, external recorders etc attached. Can also occur if the camera bag you use is too tight as it puts a constant load through the LCD to the handle. Can be repaired, but a dealer job really.

Ronald Jackson
May 12th, 2013, 05:11 AM
So Alister can you recommend a soft case for a loaded EX3? Mine , a recent acquisition, generally has a 80-400 Nikkor in place with a rod support system and follow focus. Sometimes with a nanoFlash though normally wouldn't leave that in place.

Case needs to be available over here. Given your comments re handle weakening caused by heavy loads etc maybe the case should take the cam "sideways on" rather than upright.


Bryce Comer
May 12th, 2013, 01:27 PM
Sorry to take this thread off topic, but how do you find the 80-400 on the EX3 Ronald? I am using a 50-300 but would love just a little extra reach.

Ronald Jackson
May 13th, 2013, 01:24 AM
Bryce, I'll start a new topic, "Latest Nikkor Lenses On EX3' or something like that. Short answer is "I'm not so sure".


Bryce Comer
May 13th, 2013, 12:15 PM
Thanks Ronald,
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Brent Kaplan
May 13th, 2013, 10:35 PM
Have a look for a crack on the side or just under the handle towards the front on the left side just under the zoom switch. Quite a common problem I'm afraid. Caused by many things like picking up the camera and tripod by the camera handle or carrying a loaded up camera with extra bit like base plates, external recorders etc attached. Can also occur if the camera bag you use is too tight as it puts a constant load through the LCD to the handle. Can be repaired, but a dealer job really.

I closely examined my camera and could find no cracks, but can seem to figure out how to tighten it, i hate bringing it to sony at there rate.maybe time to upgrade but to what ?


Steve Siegel
May 16th, 2013, 09:22 AM

I use the Nikon 80-400 (the old one, not the new one) all the time on the EX3, and find the quality
very good. It requires an adapter (Mike Tapa). Look here for examples. Everything but the wren was shot with it. Raven On The Mountain Channel 1 on Vimeo (

Bryce Comer
May 16th, 2013, 09:45 PM
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the response. I am currently using a 50-300 Nikkor lens with my EX3 but it is super heavy & I would love just that little bit extra reach. I also have to make sure I keep my aperture between about F8 & F11 when I am shooting with any high contrast areas so as to avoid some pretty bad purple fringing.
So would you say that for the $800 odd dollars I could pick up an 80-400 for in excellent condition on Ebay, it would be worth it?
Thanks again,

Brent Kaplan
May 16th, 2013, 11:08 PM
my handle is still loose

Bryce Comer
May 17th, 2013, 06:17 PM
Hi Brent,
Sorry I've taken this thread way of topic. Are the two screws at the front of the handle tight?

Alister Chapman
May 18th, 2013, 02:30 AM
Also the plastic part under the handle can come loose. There are a couple of small screws in the top of the handle that can work loose.

If you can't see an obvious loose screw and your not prepared to remove the side covers yourself (potentially voiding any warranty) then really the only other option is to take it in to get it looked at. It might be a very simple case of tightening up a few screws.

Brent Kaplan
May 24th, 2013, 10:43 PM
Thanks for the reply's it was as Allister said 2 loose screws under the front plate.


John DuMontelle
April 2nd, 2014, 09:57 AM
I know...very old thread...but it's why I like DV

Working with a big Colombian television network this week. Caracol. They brought up an EX3 as a second camera for reverse angles during sit-down interviews.

As you might imagine...the camera is totally beat to hell. Tons of paint worn off the camera body. Lots of "silver" showing.

I think this thing was in a war.

Still shoots well but...the handle was very loose.

Had some time to kill. Did a search here thinking there might be a possible solution. I was not disappointed.

Fixed the handle on their camera thanks to the great photos, plus the usual, reset the back-focus and cleaned it up a bit.

DV made me a hero with these clients.

Have to say "thanks". Wouldn't have happened without the great group here willing to share and help.

Steve Siegel
April 3rd, 2014, 01:00 PM

You mentioned back focus in your post. I have read about back focus regarding various lenses, but have never actually seen one! Is there some kind of focus setting that covers this function on the EX3?
What exactly is it? I have never recognized any focus problem on any camera, or lens I have used and have never adjusted any kind of back focus. Thanks for the info, and nice to meet a local on DV Infonet.

John DuMontelle
April 4th, 2014, 06:51 AM
Any time I take a lens off of a video camera, I double check to make sure the back focus is correct after reattaching it.

I'm probably telling you something you already know but...back focus problems are when you zoom in on something, focus for that subject, then when you zoom back out wide...the image is soft. Not crisp and in focus.

With traditional ENG cameras the process of setting your back focus correctly was a manual procedure. But with the's all controlled electronically. Each and every time you remove the lens from the camera there is a risk the back focus setting has been affected. With the deal with this through the camera menu.

To adjust/check the back focus on your EX3...set the camera up on a tripod and place some kind of focus card about 12 feet away.

Here is a link to a card you could print out and use.

Make sure the card is nice and case you printed this focus chart out on flimsy paper.

Set your iris switch to AUTO.

Make sure your zoom servo switch is set to "servo". Not manual.

Place the focus card about 12 feet away from the camera. Then zoom in and focus the image.

Go to the camera menu.

Click down five levels to the LENS menu section.

The sub menu will display and the first thing at the top is "AUTO FB ADJ".

Select it...then "EXECUTE".

The camera will do the rest.

It will automatically refocus the tight shot you have in the viewfinder of the focus chart...then, the EX3 all by itself, will zoom out wide and refocus the wide shot...then, again all by itself, it will zoom back in and focus back up on the focus chart.

The whole process takes about a minute and, again, the camera does it all. Your only responsibility is to have the chart set up nice and flat the correct distance away and have the camera on a nice sturdy tripod.

I'd also advise you do this under normal or slightly lower light levels. If you do it in super bright light...the depth of field is deeper and the lens, in my experience, gets a better setting when the depth of field is more critical.

The only reason I know things like this about the camera is because one of my first purchases after getting my camera was to get Doug Jensen's PMW-EX3 FIELD GUIDE.

Vortex Media's XDCAM Field Guides (

It explains all kinds of things that I would never know about this camera.

Not only that...the DVD he produced is worth having right along with the field guide. I can not say enough good things about having BOTH. And you get a slight discount if you buy them as a bundle instead of getting one, then later, the other.

The guide even has a great focus chart right inside which is what I use to set my back focus.

Hope this helps.

By the way...on occasion I get requests for multiple EX3 shoots. If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to have some contact info from you, since you are local, in the event I need a second...or third...EX3 camera and operator for a shoot..
Send it to .
I'm not a bottom-feeder when it comes to rates and I don't put up with "nonsense" clients...if possible. ;)