Jeroen Wolf
May 7th, 2013, 03:11 PM
What's the best way to sharpen the soft images from the Mark III in FCP7? I turned in-camera sharpening all the way down as most people suggest. There are 3 sharpening filters, which one seems to work best in your opinion? And what's the general consensus on settings?
John Carroll
May 10th, 2013, 12:14 PM
In FCP, I would use the "Sharpen" filter (the one in bold type) at around 30 or so (+or- 10 to taste...)
It defaults too 100 when you apply the filter and that's way too much...
The other Sharpen filter is nasty and requires rendering and Unsharp mask is really more sharpening than you need.
I don't usually apply sharpening, but when I do, I usually apply it in After Effects (along with other processing/Color Correction) Same deal there, Sharpen filter around 30 will do the trick.
Just my opinion...
Jeroen Wolf
May 12th, 2013, 06:34 AM
Thanks, John. (I assume you mean to use the first of the Sharpen filter options, not the one in bold). I really have to get used to this after working with EX3 footage- sharp and much easier te color correct...
John Carroll
May 12th, 2013, 07:27 AM
Actually, I meant to use the one in bold, not the other one. The one in bold type won't have to render and it will work fine.
Jeroen Wolf
May 12th, 2013, 07:36 AM
Ok, thanks for clarifying.
John Carroll
May 12th, 2013, 11:47 AM
No problem... again, just my opinion. You can probably get decent results with any of them as long as you don't go overboard... it shouldn't take much. And of course, the idea is to use this effect on a properly focused image, not try to get sharp focus out of an image that was out of focus to begin with. That doesn't work at all...