View Full Version : c100 delay when stopping recording?

Marty Hudzik
May 5th, 2013, 10:54 AM
I have been shooting with Canon video gear for over 15 years now and I have never had this experience. when I review footage I just shot, I am finding that nearly every clip has about 1 second of me moving the camera "after" I stopped recording. In other words, I pressed the stop button and then began to move the camera down clearly after I stopped recording, yet the footage shows this if it actually keeps recording for a second after I have hit the stop button.

Has anyone seen this behavior? It's not a deal breaker but it is a bit bizarre to me. I shot an even 2 months ago with an assistant that had a Sony FS100 and nearly every clip he shot had some bad motion at the end....which I blamed him for moving too soon before he hit stop. But perhaps this is a side effect of recording to solid state media?? I was shooting on an XLh1 to tape and to a Samurai in ProRes and it stopped instantly on that camera.

Thanks for any insight.

Christopher Young
May 5th, 2013, 11:47 AM
Not 100% sure on this but I have a theory but have never got around to checking it out. Someone who knows may chip in with an answer.

Theory: All intraframe recording such as DV, Digi-Beta, DVC Pro etc as soon as you press the stop button the recording stops at the completion of the frame you buttoned off on. But with long GOP recording such as MPEG files you may button off at any given point but the camera will continue to roll until it has finished the particular group of IBP pictures it was recording. In other words the camera can roll for anywhere up to 18 frames for NTSC or 15 frames for PAL after you button off should you happen to do so just as a new group of picture was being started. I first noticed this myself when I went from Digi-Beta to XDCam HD. Soon learnt to hang on for a second after buttoning off. Very annoying to have to edit out all those half second or so flash moves on each cut if you are trying to minimise editing time on a quick run, gun and deliver job such as news.

Chris Young
CYV Productions