View Full Version : Any fast tips for a few day trial of the C100?

Marty Hudzik
May 4th, 2013, 11:09 AM
I have been given the opportunity to demo the C100 for 3-4 days. I am on the verge of buying one and need to decide over the next couple of days. Any tips that would enhance my ability to decide in a shorter period of time would be great.

My first thoughts are that while I like the handgrip, I find it a tad awkward and it puts some stress on my right wrist. I have been shooting with Canon XL Series for years and the orientation of the traditional handgrip never caused any issues. I have tried rotating the C100 hand grip but have not found a completely comfortable position yet.

I am also trying to come to terms with the LCD and EVF. Being in my forties my near vision isn't as good as it once was, and I have to wear reading glasses if I want to use the LCD....which is the only really good option. I am thinking of getting a zfinder when they ship. I have one for my 7D and works like a charm.

Anyway, can anyone chime in on what pitfalls I should look out for or any cool tricks to really make it shine?

FYI, I just came from a Black Magic Cinema Camera which has a bare bones menu I am overwhelmed with the options at the moment. I mean....I am glad to have them but it's overload on my senses! Prior to the BMCC I have had XL series cameras for years....It's just been so long since I tweaked all of the settings that I am rusty. With so little time to evaluate the camera....I am looking for shortcuts.


Ben Giles
May 4th, 2013, 11:27 AM
I suggest you start here for a basic set up and fundamentals:

Canon DLC: Gallery: EOS C100 Tutorial Series (

The tip on combining punch-in with black and white plus peaking works very well.

Wide DR as a profile seems to work for most people.

I'm a newcomer to the C100 and found that slackening off the handstrap helps - it's a bit tight and awkwardly shaped for my hand to reach the aperture dial otherwise. Left hand under the body of the camera to focus/zoom then makes a very nicely balanced unit.

Use the zebra and expose skin tones with that - I've found that my first load of clips could have been exposed one stop less than I judged with the EVF - but nothing that couldn't be eased off in post.


Mark Dobson
May 5th, 2013, 01:36 AM
Ben's advice to look at the Canon C100 Tutorial Series is good to get a basic operational overview.

I read this article by Jonah Kessel the other day and think it is the best endorsement for the C100 that's been written. It's even handed in discussing both positive and negative attributes, and the advantages and disadvantages when compared to the C300.

News Shooter | Size Matters ? Jonah Kessel field tests the Canon C100 in Burma (