View Full Version : GH3 vs VG30

Anthony Mozora
May 4th, 2013, 02:38 AM
Hi everyone , hope u are well

I would like to buy one of the following cameras

VG30 vs GH3

am only interested in the video fuction of both.

i dont have any lenses from sony or panasonic so it will be a new begining,

in anyway

i would like to know how this 2 cameras compare in to LOW LIGHT and what wide lens are available for the panasonic .

thanks in advance

Jeff Harper
May 4th, 2013, 06:05 AM
I am curious about the Sony also. I'd like to try the VG30 with a Sony F/2.8 DT 16-50mm lens. A camcorder form factor paired with interchangeable lens is a tempting combination. From what I've read, some Sony users love this camera.

I look forward to hearing from experienced users on your topic, My guess, which is no help to you, is that they are comparable and the low light performance might depend mostly on lens selection more than anything else, everything else being equal.

The GH3 sensor is newer, which might give it an edge, but I don't know, I'm just babbling. Good luck with your research and purchase.

Bill Bruner
May 4th, 2013, 08:38 AM
Hi Anthony - I own the GH3 ( and have shot with the VG20 ( The VG30 ( is the same camera with a power zoom.

What I found was that VG20 ( and VG30 ( cameras offer no control of contrast or sharpness, and moire is a problem. See the moire on the roof here at 0:31:

Sony NEX-VG30 Test Shots on Vimeo

The other problem with VG cameras is the limited bit rate and codec selection. 28mbps AVCHD looks good - until you see 50mbps IPB .MOV from the GH3 (

The VG cameras are not bad in low light, but the E mount fast lens selection is not as good as for micro 4/3 mount (there is no NEX equivalent to the Nokton 25mm (änder-Nokton-25mm-Micro-Thirds/dp/B0046EC1OE?tag=hybrcamerev02-21) or 17.5mm ( f0.95 lenses, for example).

With a Nokton 25mm f0.95 (änder-Nokton-25mm-Micro-Thirds/dp/B0046EC1OE?tag=hybrcamerev02-21) lens on it, the GH3 ( can pretty much see in the dark (please watch at 1080p):

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH3 and Voigtländer Nokton 25mm/F0.95 low-light test: THE TORCH JUGGLER - YouTube

And here is the GH3 ( with the Nokton 17.5mm f0.95 (

Filippa's Christmas 2012 on Vimeo

Had to add this one. Shot with the GH3 (, Nokton 25mm f0.95 (änder-Nokton-25mm-Micro-Thirds/dp/B0046EC1OE?tag=hybrcamerev02-21) and Olympus 12mm f2.0 ( at 24p/72mbps and 60p/50mbps:

Panasonic GH3 Ginza,Shibuya on Vimeo

Hope this is helpful,

Hybrid Camera Revolution (

Kevin McRoberts
May 4th, 2013, 09:12 AM
The VG cameras are not bad in low light, but the E mount fast lens selection is not as good as for micro 4/3 mount (there is no NEX equivalent to the Nokton 25mm (änder-Nokton-25mm-Micro-Thirds/dp/B0046EC1OE?tag=hybrcamerev02-21) or 17.5mm ( f0.95 lenses, for example).

While this is partly correct, E-mount cameras have the Metabones Speedbooster currently available, which makes any compatible full-frame lens a stop faster (up to ~f0.9, IIRC) and 0.71x wider. Granted they won't come with full auto functionality, but then all the m43 f0.95 lenses are manual anyway. Pairing the Speedbooster with something like the Samyang 35/1.4 would yield a ~25/f1 lens for roughly equivalent money to the Voigtlander; a ~35/f1 equivalent would be no further away than a compatible legacy 50/1.4 .

I'd still personally go for the GH3 based on preference, flexibility, and my already considerable buy-in on m43 glass, but the E-mount system is intriguing.

Speedbooster is under development for m43 cameras, to be released... sometime.

Bill Bruner
May 4th, 2013, 09:44 PM
I take your point, Kevin. Perhaps I should have said, "there is no NEX equivalent to the Noktons without a $450-$600 adapter"

As for the Speedbooster - as you say, intriguing. But I didn't put a Letus adapter on my camcorder to get shallow depth of field - and I probably won't buy the Speedbooster. A simple hollow tube adapter for non micro 4/3 lenses is about all my tiny little mind can deal with :)

That said, I will be anxious to see user reports when they start coming in.


Hybrid Camera Revolution (

Anthony Mozora
May 9th, 2013, 07:11 AM
thank u so much all for ur replies!

i have desided to go with the vg30 mostly cause of practical reasons , (speedbooster and more wide angle options with my current glass) I think it will be a good b camera to my FS100 .

Andrew Maclaurin
November 3rd, 2013, 12:09 PM
Hi Anthony,
how are you getting on with your VG30? No you use it in weddings? How does it handle? Are you happy with it? I'm considering buying one so any info would be great.