View Full Version : DVC3 "Because nice guys finish last" - Feedbak
Scott Hebert September 23rd, 2005, 05:09 PM Well, i basically didnt start until tuesday, i had lots of trouble with the topic. I basically Filmed it all from wednesday and had it in on friday at 11ish. I personally dislike this video acctually, i dont think that i used the topic all that well, but hopefully you guys get a kick out of it and hopefully someone enjoyed it
NOTE: Free download sites where you have to click the free option and then wait a bit to click download.
P.S. sorry about the pain in the ass for the web hosting, i just didnt know anyother way to do it, sorry
Lorinda Norton September 23rd, 2005, 07:50 PM I watched it in a big hurry this morning, Scott, and then couldn't get it to play again tonight, so this is all I can remember. Sorry--old mind.
The audio was a bit of a distraction for me--kept me from getting into it as much as I would have liked. I thought your shots of the cards were well-framed and fun (especially close-ups) plus the dark background against the cards was cool. Rather than looking like a poker challenge on television it looked like a movie. And, oh shoot, there was something concerning the cards laid out that I liked. Wish I could see it again!
Somebody help me out here!
Scott Hebert September 23rd, 2005, 08:06 PM yeah sorry Lorinda about the downloading problems, as i have said before i still havent found a good place to post them. but thats for the feedback, i wasnt sure about the audio so its good to hear feedback back on that (what i need to improve for next time), thanks alot
Bradley L Marlow September 23rd, 2005, 08:26 PM Hey Scott!
You did a nice job- especially for someone who shot in one day and edited in two. It is easy to say...and hard to do, I know...BUT...I think you should perhaps go easier on yourself.
You had some nice camera angels in this film and a dark lighting set up that I thought went well with this persons sort of desprerate state of mind...foggy. This dialog may be ok in the script...just a bit tough to follow due to a muffled type sound. The security camera views looked like they had an effect applied? Was that an emboss or an extrude type effect?
WSOP Champion Jesus would have been proud. Given that he has recently been stuffed into a refrigerator (for beer commercials) I'm sure he would love to play this cat.
Scott Hebert September 24th, 2005, 10:32 AM Thanks for the input bradley again i really appreicate it, the audio was really weird because i recorded my voice over, decided i didnt like it, i threw on some sorta accent, then i recorded again, i liked it a little more than just hearing my normal voice, so i threw it on the timeline, then when i rendered it went really "tinny"
I also know that 3 days isnt a lot of time, and i tried to go easier on myself, but i had lots of troubles thinking of an idea.
The effect on the security video was, i could be wrong but, black and white + glowing edges
P.S. yesterday a helicopter picked me up in my back yard and took me flying over my school so i could get some ariels, then it dropped me back off.... for free... aint i lucky
Bradley L Marlow September 24th, 2005, 11:16 AM Wow Scott - I'll bet that was a blast. How did the footage turn out>
Dylan Couper September 24th, 2005, 11:19 AM Scott
I really liked your visual representation of poker, gorgeous, but it just wasn't backed up enough by the dialogue. The other issue was that it didn't make as much use of the 'camera' theme as it could have. But still, it was a pretty good entry!
Scott Hebert September 25th, 2005, 11:39 AM Thanks Dylan, yeah like I said before, i knew that i wasnt going to do well because I didnt use the topic at all well, O well thou DVC4 will be better;)
Bradley, I am not sure how the footage turned out yet, i took up another girl with me, so between us we got 1 hour of footage, i am sure i can use something:)
Bradley L Marlow September 25th, 2005, 12:26 PM I'll bet Scott,
Would love to see some of that footage sometime.
Scott Hebert September 25th, 2005, 01:19 PM Yes most definetly, i have big plans for the next video, where on this crazy forum could i just post a video though? (it should be done in 2 weeks)
Bradley L Marlow September 25th, 2005, 01:35 PM Scott-
I'm not sure if it can be posted on this forum, but I have seen people post links to footage on other web sites. (Kind of like what we did with this film contest)
Sounds very exciting and am looking forward to seeing your work.
Lorinda Norton September 25th, 2005, 02:25 PM Post a link to your video in our "DV For the Masses" forum. We'll be watching for it. :)
Scott Hebert September 25th, 2005, 02:35 PM Thanks alot Lorinda, check it in like 2 weeks fellas, the date the video has to be done for is oct 7 so i should have it done by the 5th but im human so it will be dont at like 3 in the morning on the 6th