View Full Version : FX1000 and recorder

Jeff Harper
April 28th, 2013, 02:31 PM
When a recorder is used to capture uncompressed footage from the FX1000 or Z5 or any similar camera, what is the nature of the recorded files? 1920x1080? Or will they still be 1440? How large are they going to be and what format?

I have never used such a recording device so the whole concept is alien to me.

Thanks in advance.

Adam Gold
April 28th, 2013, 04:44 PM
Depends on the recorder. (Assume you mean card recorder, not tape.) But the Z5 isn't capable of anything more than HDV (m2t), which is always 1440. AVCHD (mts, m2ts) could be 1920, but the Z5 doesn't do that.

If you are going out via HDMI you might get a greater color space with some recorders but you can't get greater resolution than the chip can deliver. I think if you use a Ninja you might get the greater "uncompressed" color space.

But if you use an MRC you'll get exactly what you get on tape.

Jeff Harper
April 28th, 2013, 05:13 PM
Thanks Adam, very helpful!

Adam Gold
April 28th, 2013, 10:17 PM
Just be aware that if you're going to the recorder via Firewire you won't get anything different than what's on the tape. Only HDMI gives you "uncompressed," and not by much.

Jeff Harper
April 29th, 2013, 05:46 AM
Okay, got it, thank you!