View Full Version : the la ea2 and sdeadyshot

Nino Defra
April 25th, 2013, 12:52 PM
Hi all,SteadyShot is activated the camera with the la ea2 and optical sony ssm type 16-50 f2.8?
with la ea1 does not work ... iris and non-linear , with a2 know how it behaves?

Christopher Young
April 25th, 2013, 10:25 PM
16-50 is the Alpha lens from the Sony A77. It works well with the FS700 so I think maybe it will work fine with the EA50. NO Steadyshot. The Sony Alpha cameras have Steadyshot stabilisation in the camera body not the lens. The lens is f2.8 constant aperture but when using autofocus the lens will be fixed at f3.5.

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Nino Defra
April 26th, 2013, 01:56 AM
then also la ea2 SteadyShot does not work on the cameras 100 -700 fs type or EA50? iris how it works? is glitching?

Christopher Young
April 27th, 2013, 12:04 PM

The iris is not 100% smooth like an e-mount lens. It will move in small steps and can make a noise when adjusted quickly. The e-mount lenses in comparison are very smooth on the iris and very quiet in operation. The 16-50 Alpha lens is very quick with the phase detection autofocus of the EA2 adapter but sometimes the focus transition doesn't looks as nice and as smooth as the e-mount kit lens focus transitions. Also remember not having the Steadyshot built into the 16-50 lens makes it not as smooth to shoot with for hand-held work. Sharpness? The lens is very sharp so no complaints there.

Chris Young
CYV Productions