View Full Version : (back?) focus issue?

Todd Sheridan
April 24th, 2013, 06:49 PM
I'm having a weird focus issue with some of my Canon (all L-series) lenses on my Sony FS-700 (via the Metabones adapter).

My 70-200mm is fine, no focus issues at any focal length.

My 24-70mm will not focus if I go any wider than around 35mm.

My 16-35mm will not focus if I go any wider than around 24mm.

It's not just a matter of the lens losing focus when I zoom out, the lens will not focus at all at those wider focal lengths.

But, it's not that I can't focus beyond a certain focal length (because one lens will focus at 24mm and above and another at 35mm and above).
On those two lenses, it won't focus at the wide end of the lens.
But, on the 70-200, I have no issue with focus all the way through.

This sounds like a back focus issue to me. Would you agree?
I don't believe there is a way for me to adjust the back focus?

It's definitely not the lenses - I have tried them both on my 5D body.

I guess it's also possible that it's an issue with the metabones adapter, but I don't have a non-Canon lens to test on it, or another FS body to test the lenses on.

Just curious if anyone else has experienced this issue or had any thoughts, etc.


Eric Darling
April 24th, 2013, 09:30 PM
Is this the Speed Booster or the Smart adapter? I have the exact same problem with the Speed Booster. They want me to send it back, but it's an arm and a leg to ship to Hong Kong. And, all they'll promise to do is "adjust" it.

Todd Sheridan
April 24th, 2013, 10:42 PM
no, my adapter is the straight "smart" adapter. No speed boost.
I've had it and the camera for a few months, and just now noticed this issue.

Ian Whelan
April 25th, 2013, 10:21 AM
I'm having the same problem with my Speedbooster

Bo-Ming Tong
April 25th, 2013, 07:32 PM
If you have a Speed Booster and you are unable to reach infinity with a lens, you may use this procedure to adjust the backfocus.

Metabones® - Infinity adjustment (Speed Booster? only) (

However, the original question was for a Smart Adapter. But to clarify first, what did you mean by "cannot focus"? Is it unable to focus to infinity (hence a backfocus issue) but closer distances are fine?

Todd Sheridan
April 26th, 2013, 03:46 PM
Hi Bo-Ming. I have the smart adapter, not the Speed Booster. You are correct in that I cannot focus to infinity, but closer distances are ok (I can't get a good focus more than about 2-3 meters or so away). This only happens when I am on the wide end of my zoom.

Is this issue only with the Speed Booster? Have you ever heard of it happening with the smart adapter?


Todd Sheridan
April 29th, 2013, 04:03 PM
So, it turns out it was an issue with the Metabones smart adapter.

I took my camera and adapter to Abel today and had a technician look at it.
There were two screws on the adapter which had actually come so loose that they were visibly loose and about to fall out.

Tightened the screws and all seems fine now.

Sami Sanpakkila
April 29th, 2013, 04:58 PM
So, it turns out it was an issue with the Metabones smart adapter.

I took my camera and adapter to Abel today and had a technician look at it.
There were two screws on the adapter which had actually come so loose that they were visibly loose and about to fall out.

Tightened the screws and all seems fine now.

There seems to be a serious issue with Metabones quality control. This exact thing happened to me and I've read numerous posts from people with the same problem.