View Full Version : Fs 700 & tamron 24-70 is lens

Wilf Davies
April 23rd, 2013, 05:02 PM
Hi all
I have an FS700 & TAMRON 24-70 IS lens , used with matabones adapter they work perfectley together. My question is i want to purchase another camera to work alongside as a second camera to my FS700 I borrowed my friends vg 900 but to my dissmay i do like the camera but it will not work with my tamron lens i also have a vg20 that works fine so down to my question has anyone tried a tamron 24-70 is lens on a SONY VG 30 AND DOES IT WORK. Thanks Wilf.

Al Yeung
April 27th, 2013, 12:48 PM
The VG900 already has a full-frame sensor to begin with, so you can't use the Speed Booster with it. The Speed Booster is meant to reduce the coverage of full-frame lenses (like the Tamron) into smaller-sized sensors (like the ones the FS700 and VG20 and VG30 have).

To use the Tamron with the VG900, you should get a regular (not Speed Booster) EOS to E-mount adapter. I'm not sure which one works with a full frame sensor though.

Wilf Davies
April 28th, 2013, 12:13 AM
Hi Al
I am not useing the speedbooster just the standerd metabones. Thanks Wilf