View Full Version : dynamic range

Robert Bobson
April 19th, 2013, 03:27 PM
I'll be recording some classical orchestral music that will eventually be included on a DVD.

I know orchestral music played on a nice audio system normally has a wide dynamic range - but I'm wondering about it being played back on a basic television - as opposed to a home theater system.

I'm thinking I should reduce the dynamic range for the DVD -

anyone have any experience with this one way or the other?

thanks -

Gary Nattrass
April 20th, 2013, 02:45 AM
Yes I would reduce the dynamic range as to record a full orchestra will need this done anyway and it will just be too much for a DVD.

Be careful to check your levels for overload during the main recording and it may be that you need some form of compression at the recording stage as it can get rather loud at times.