View Full Version : c100 'baked in' profiles.

James Strange
April 18th, 2013, 05:37 PM
Hi all,

For about 50% of my work, the turnaound time needs to be very fast, so little to no time for grading.

I'm still experimenting and tweeking, but I cannot seem to arrive at a pic profile with a 'baked in cinema' look.

I've tried the Paul Joy ones (thanks for doing all the leg work in matching c100 and c300 btw Paul) but it's not quite what I'm after.

Has anyone got any alternatives they'd like to share?

I'm trying to match the c100 to the 5d3 also.



Martin Trotter
April 20th, 2013, 06:51 PM
Hi James - I've come here looking for the same thing! Ha!

I did my first short piece of filming last week with the C100. Was filming along with the 5D, and was quite surprised that the footage appeared to be quite different to the 5D - in fact, dare I say it - almost the same as what I'd have got if I shot with the XF300 (Gasp!!! - Have I done the right thing switching here?!!)

I guess I was very much expecting the C100 to have the same kind of output as the DSLR's picture wise.
The other annoying thing was trying to match the C100 white balance to the 5D before we started. The MKII was set to 5500K, and under the lighting gave natural skintone, yet the C100 had to be dropped to I think it was nearer 4400K to come closer to how the 5D looked - have you found any mis-match in trying to white balance with them?

Anyways, as you said would be ideal to have a good colour preset that doesn't require so much post edit tweaking.

Oleg Kalyan
April 21st, 2013, 01:49 AM
Not too much can be done in changing colorimetry in DSLRs, any of them. Quite a lot can be changed inside te C100. Please check out the thread on custom profiles in C100.

Evan Bourcier
April 21st, 2013, 11:44 AM
Martin, I'd love to know how you had the camera set up that you were so unhappy with the image. Do you have any screen shots?

Martin Trotter
April 22nd, 2013, 06:35 AM
Unfortunately I can't post a pic due the the corporate sensitivity of the client I was filming. Only thing I'd say is that footage didn't have the depth in blacks and richness of DSLR. Obviously that can be achieved in post tweaks, but would rather have the camera setup to shoot like that without doing later.
I'll check out that preset thread Oleg - thanks.

Pat Reddy
April 22nd, 2013, 07:25 AM
Have you guys tried the EOS standard profile? My understanding is that it was designed to give you the look of a Canon DSLR. Contrast and saturation are high, and fairly heavy sharpening is applied in the EOS std profile.


Martin Trotter
April 22nd, 2013, 07:52 AM
Thanks Pat, getting into that now! :-)

I think I've hijacked James original thread started here! Apologies James!!

Matt Davis
April 25th, 2013, 12:30 PM
FWIW, I've tried the EOS preset of the C100, which seems to follow the bog standard default EOS settings. It's very vivid and 'Rec709' - I think there's a gap in the market for a sort of C100 'matching an EOS camera with Bloomesque settings' (i.e. contrast, sharpness and saturation turned down rather than a full-on Flaat/Marvels/Technicolor profile).

I'd love to play, but won't be able to do so for next 5 weeks. Then I'll 'need' to - will share if nobody beats me to it.

But I'd prefer something that handles shadows and skin highlights better - yes? Basically, a broadcast safe (non 109% white) well balanced but 'CineGamma style' look, a bit like Sony's CineGamma 2?

Thinks... 'somebody please beat me to it'... ;-)

James Strange
April 25th, 2013, 05:06 PM
Still experimenting myself.

I find that whatever the profile, I have to adjust the wb settings 2 stops away from green.

I have noticed the same thing with the kelvin martin. About 800 difference.

Nate Haustein
April 25th, 2013, 05:42 PM
I hate to tear the discussion away from, but I also want to give credit where credit is due...

Brian C. Weed developed a number of presets I've become rather fond of:

- - - - -

709LOG - Nice REC709 profile that doesn't need grading. The Log gamma helps with skin tones.

cineLOG - A flatter profile that looks good out of camera, but also holds up to some tweaking.

CINEMA.2 - A version of the Canon CINEMA preset that fixes the green and blue casts in the image and corrects more towards magenta.

EOSnutrl - I really like this one. It POPS! Matches up nicely with a DSLR in neutral picture profile. I can see myself using this quite a bit when a contrasty and saturated look is required.

- - - - - - -

There's more to it than that, he worked on some tungsten/daylight variations, but I put those 4 on my camera the other day and the difference from the stock profiles is pretty significant, especially in the darker parts of the image. Cleaner, better skin tones, smoother gradations, better response in color correction - just all around nicer.

I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to develop color profiles for cameras. Its become a significant part of getting the "look" we want for our projects.

Here's the link to the original article: C300: Cowpunks Custom Profile Thread (FW v1. & C100 - Page 4 (

James Strange
April 26th, 2013, 05:43 PM
Thanks Nate, I'll check em out

Al Bergstein
April 26th, 2013, 11:05 PM
On my xf305 I've had to work with the Grey card to tune out the standard Canon 'rose room" tone to skin. Once I did that and got the waveform properly centered, it was a no brainer. I'm about to take possession of a C100 so I'll work on getting some decent comparisons of color balance. Between when I get it and when i sell my xf305, I'll have those two plus a 5D Mkiii in the studio. So I can really see where the color charts show these things to live. I'll also try Brian Weed's settings. I've spent a lot of time wandering around the xf305 BBC settings, so I don't feel real scared by inputting some alternative 'knees' etc.

More to follow later next week.

Martin Trotter
April 27th, 2013, 06:09 PM
Being a C100 newbie, I'm having some trouble loading my presets from the SD card!
I've copied a couple to try out onto the SD card.

I've gone into the 'Other Function' menu > 'Transfer Menu/CP' > 'Load From SD - but both the cards are greyed out!! Have I totally missed something here or is it in another menu?

Nate Haustein
April 27th, 2013, 07:57 PM
It may work better for you if you press the cp button on the side of the camera and load presets from that sub-menu instead of going through the main camera menu. I also had some trouble getting more than one preset to show up on the card at a time. In the end, I just entered the numbers manually. Seemed faster.

Martin Trotter
April 28th, 2013, 12:47 AM
Hi Nate - I can't even get the SD cards to show up that way - both A and B slots are greyed out when I go to 'Load From SD'. I've tried placing the .CPF files in the opening file, and also in one of the folders, and I've also tried putting the files on an SD card that is not formatted for the camera and both SD card slots are still greyed. I take it will should still see an SDHC card - they are 16GB cards?

Was thinking perhaps there is a setting which has locked me out of making changes. The 'CP Cinema Locked' is also set to 'Off'.

Nate Haustein
April 28th, 2013, 02:06 AM
Are the profiles themselves locked/protected?

Cuong Dinh
April 28th, 2013, 08:15 AM
EOSnutrl - I really like this one. It POPS! Matches up nicely with a DSLR in neutral picture profile. I can see myself using this quite a bit when a contrasty and saturated look is required.

- - - - - - -

Hi Nate,

I'm still looking for the picture profile will matching with DSLR (like 5DM3). Can you share EOSnutrl ?


Nate Haustein
April 28th, 2013, 10:05 AM
From Brian C Weedr:

EOSnutrl: A profile for emulating the look of the Neutral setting on Canon DSLR’s. Proper WB is very important for getting the most similar look possible because the cameras react slightly differently to WB variation.

Gamma: EOS Std
Level -10
Color Matrix:
Select EOS Std
Gain +41
Phase +16
R-G -32
R-B +4
G-R -21
G-B -10
B-R -3
B-G -15

Cuong Dinh
April 28th, 2013, 10:17 AM
Thank you very much.

Martin Trotter
April 29th, 2013, 02:34 AM
Are the profiles themselves locked/protected?

I don't think they are. I wanted to try the EOSnutrl so I ended up putting in the settings manually for it - but initially wrote over the EOS preset I think! I reset the camera and added the EOSnutrl as a separate preset.

How can I be sure if they are locked or not?

Still no further forward with figuring out why I can't get the presets on from card.

Nate Haustein
April 29th, 2013, 09:18 AM
Locked profiles have a key next to the name. Perhaps you're trying to load C300 CP files into a C100? I'm not sure of the specifics, but I think they are formatted a bit differently.

Martin Trotter
April 29th, 2013, 03:12 PM
Nate - I don't believe I was loading the presets onto the card properly.
James has sent me a link to Paul Joy's instructions which is something that I just couldn't seem to find anywhere - surprised it wasn't on Canon's instructions manual either.

For those who come across this thread and in the same position - here are instructions on how you load presets!

Canon C300 & C100 matching custom picture files | Paul Joy – Freelance Filmmaker (