Brian Drysdale
April 11th, 2013, 03:16 PM
Tokina will be bringing out cine versions of their stills lenses.
NAB 2013 - Tokina New Cinema Lenses on Vimeo
NAB 2013 - Tokina New Cinema Lenses on Vimeo
View Full Version : Tokina Cinema Lenses Brian Drysdale April 11th, 2013, 03:16 PM Tokina will be bringing out cine versions of their stills lenses. NAB 2013 - Tokina New Cinema Lenses on Vimeo Alister Chapman April 11th, 2013, 09:22 PM I tested a pre-production 16 to 28 at CabSat and thought it was pretty grim. Very short focus throw and really horrid bokeh. Out of focus objects had double edges and looked really bad. It also suffered from a lot of flare. Considering the suggested price point I really don't think it's worth the money unless the final production versions are significantly better than the one I tried. Simon Wood April 12th, 2013, 12:23 AM Glad to see they are following this trend (started by Rokinon/Samyang I guess) of producing 'cine-vized' versions of their photo lenses for the budget orientated shooter. Though these seem little bit expensive for the average DSLR shooter; I guess they are aiming more for the C100 / BMC type category? Still, hopefully more will follow from Tonkina and other manufacturers. Dylan Couper April 12th, 2013, 06:01 PM I tested a pre-production 16 to 28 at CabSat and thought it was pretty grim. Very short focus throw and really horrid bokeh. Out of focus objects had double edges and looked really bad. It also suffered from a lot of flare. Considering the suggested price point I really don't think it's worth the money unless the final production versions are significantly better than the one I tried. That's disappointing! I had some high hopes when I heard about these. Maybe some bad initial feedback will push them into revamping them. |