View Full Version : PMW-200 & WA01 Wi-Fi Adaptor

Daniel J. Mears
April 8th, 2013, 06:42 AM
Hello fellow PMW owners and users!

Right, there doesn't seem to be a lot of talk about using the CBK-WA01 adaptor with the PMW-200.

I'm looking at using this adaptor to control camera settings (exposure, zoom, focus and start/stop) from a remote location using a WiFi device. Firstly, does this adaptor allow this? And if so, does anybody have any experience with doing this?

When the camera was released there was talk of being able to do this with a WiFI adaptor but very little news about how it actually works since.....

I can't quite work out (if this does work...) whether it needs the software key upgrade (CDKZ-UPG01...) or whether it will work with just the dongle and downloaded app. Equally, does the 'app' work with any WiFi enabled device or does it have to be a smart phone or tablet or such like?

Any advice would be much appreciated!


Robert Bale
April 10th, 2013, 08:22 AM
Hey, short answer it crap, I have one spend a week playing around with it. No good, I back in the box where it will stay. Xmpiolet I used will I think that's what it's called. If you can get it to work with a iPhone love to know how.

Daniel J. Mears
April 11th, 2013, 02:11 AM
Hey Robert,

Thanks for your feedback... was it a PMW200 you were using with it? I don't think XMPilot works with the 200, just this 'app' to control camera settings. (That said the WiFi dongle is designed to be used with XMPilot with the PMW500 and PDW700/800 I believe).

When the camera was released it was announced that controlling the camera settings with the WiFi dongle would be a feature that would be available in the next firmware upgrade for the camera.

Anybody else with any experience with the WiFi adaptor and the PMW200?


Doug Jensen
April 11th, 2013, 08:21 AM
The WiFi adapter does work with the PMW-200 but you can only control a few simple cameras functions, you do NOT get a live streaming video image like you can get with the PDW-F800/700.

Daniel J. Mears
April 11th, 2013, 01:42 PM
Hi Doug, sounds good. Thankfully I don't need the live video streaming only control of zoom, exposure and focus etc. Do you know if it needs a software key option upgrade thing to work with the camera or if I just purchase the WiFi adaptor will it work right out the box?


Doug Jensen
April 11th, 2013, 04:06 PM
I believe that you just need the hardware, but I have to say I am not a fan of that product and cannot recommend it.
And keep in mind that if you will probably also need some kind of remote tripod head control too, because what good is zooming and focusing if you can't re-frame the shot? There are very few shooting situations where changing the focal length without pannning or tilting to change the framing will look very good. Just food for thought.

Alister Chapman
April 11th, 2013, 09:43 PM
Might be useful for remote focussing when the camera is used on a steadycam or jib.

One thing that's confused a lot of people is that there is no app or software. You just connect to the WiFi connection and then use your web browser to log in to the camera and the control functions are displayed as a web page.

Daniel J. Mears
April 12th, 2013, 09:40 AM
My plan is to use it with a remote camera pan and tilt head. I do quite a bit of live event stuff and we are wanting to put a camera in places where you can't get an operator etc. so are wanting to give this a go for controlling the camera.

Thanks for the heads up on the app thing Alister, is it just as simple as connecting to the wifi connection, opening your web browser and then your off? I can imagine adjusting the iris and zoom is quite straight forward but the focus I can see being a bit fiddly.... have you any experience with this?

Thanks for all your help and feedback folks. All valuable stuff!
