View Full Version : Comparison & lenses

Nick Wilcox-Brown
April 7th, 2013, 02:00 PM
Has anyone had the opportunity to make a direct comparison between F5 & F55?

My brief hands on with the F55 convinced me of the value of these cameras, but with current budgets, it will be a camera to hire, not to own. The F5 on the other hand is affordable. My understanding from the docs is that the sensors are different and obviously there is some rolling shutter in the F5, but nevertheless, a very capable camera.

Second question - has anyone tried a B4 mount lens with an adapter? I'm guessing that an HJ18 with the 2x engaged will be fine?


Alister Chapman
April 11th, 2013, 09:38 PM
I've used both of them and there is very little difference in terms of the look of the image. Obviously there are the differences between the sensitivity of the two and the lack of CMOS artefacts with the F55. But otherwise they are both similar.

The MTF B4 adapter is now starting to ship with some revised and slightly improved optics. I've used some nice HD 2/3" lenses on mine with good HD results. I wouldn't want to use one for 4K though.

Nick Wilcox-Brown
April 12th, 2013, 02:39 AM
Much appreciate the reply thanks Alister. Swings and roundabouts with F5 / 55 then. The ISO gain is useful at the expense of the CMOS artifacting. 4K is useful, but not essential right now

Excellent video on the MTF site BTW.

To clarify one point on the magnification of the adapter; it is 2.5 times, including the lens built in 2x, so an HJ at 500mm becomes 1250mm? Long lens for wildlife is the real problem with Super 35. Now if MTF could be persuaded to make a plate to put your adapter on the old EX3, we are upto around 2500mm...

Alister Chapman
April 12th, 2013, 06:50 PM
If you went EX3 to Canon, you could then add the MTF B4-Canon to that. Don't think it would work too well though as the very small pixels on the EX3 would mean the image would be a bit soft.

The total magnification of the adapter plus the lenses extender is approx 2.5 - 2.6 (extenders vary a bit and the adapter optics are 1.3x). We used an HJ40x14 on a F3 to shoot the Duran Duran concert at a focal length of approx 1.4m and it looked great!