View Full Version : Up to 29 minutes in a t3i

Donald McPherson
April 7th, 2013, 01:57 PM
I've got the Canon t3i and just tried this from Tragic Lantern.
Format SD card to exfat.
Load 23/12/12 Magic lantern onto SD card.
Run EOScard.
Then swap the autoexe file for the one in this link.
Then you can record up to 29 minutes of video.
But remember if it breaks you get to keep both parts.
I already had ML loaded in my Canon.
If you don't I would first install using ML's instructions.
Then Try my method. Worked for me.

Victor Nguyen
April 24th, 2013, 03:54 AM
Does this work only on t3i or can it work on t2i also? and does it has negative effect on image quality?

Donald McPherson
April 24th, 2013, 11:52 AM
Sorry I only believe it works with the T3i and maybe the 60d.

John Wiley
April 24th, 2013, 10:00 PM
While we're kinda on the topic, do any of the newer Rebels (650D/700D) have file spanning up to 29min like the 5dmkIII does?

Robert Benda
April 25th, 2013, 06:04 AM
double check, but I believe the brand new T5i does (I saw it when they announced it, but can't find it now), and has the things that were good about the T3i and T4i. For video, it's probably a better choice than the 7D. The 7D has better battery life, more focus points, and is weather sealed. T5i has a touch flip-out screen and will keep filming after hitting 12 minutes (it creates multiple files) and will do continuous auto-focus while filming, though I've never used it and can't say if it's any good.

Robert Benda
May 6th, 2013, 04:07 PM
Just read up on this in Magic Lantern.

You can EITHER have a 29 minute file with lower bit rate, OR film at full quality but have it break it up into multiple files (with a slight break of up to a few seconds in between). Well, actually, presumably, you can do both, but I'd prefer not to lower my bit rate, unless I know it's a web only video.

Donald McPherson
May 7th, 2013, 10:17 AM
Robert not Magic lantern but Tragic lantern. Look at my first post.

Robert Benda
May 7th, 2013, 11:50 AM
my bad. I thought it was a typo.

Andrew Maclaurin
July 15th, 2013, 02:30 PM
i have the 7d and the 700d. the differences that i've noticed so far are: 700d- 29mins recording is very useful, doesn't heat up as much, weighs a lot less, lcd is great, 7d- heavy and prone to over heating but has slightly better image controls (especially with more iso options). i have to test the 700d a bit more before i'm convinced it can replace the 7d ( which i want to change due to overheating and weight. i film weddings etc in 30-40C here in Spain. the 7d doesn't like that!)