Adrian Tan
March 30th, 2013, 06:54 AM
What do you do if you're at the bride's place, and you sense reluctance in people to be filmed without makeup? Do you just go and shoot bridal accessories for an hour instead? But you're missing a billion great candid moments in the meantime.
Or do you as a rule just avoid filming girls without makeup?
Noa Put
March 30th, 2013, 07:01 AM
I do shoot at moments when they don't have make-up on but only wide shots, no close ups. Only when they are halfway putting the makeup on, I move in closer for close ups.
Chris Harding
March 30th, 2013, 07:25 AM
I just do it the way that makes them happy ...wait for at least foundation to go on and then film them while the eye makeup is being done and you can always cheat like ask the make-up lady to just touch-up the lip gloss. Essentially, my brides want to look stunning thruout the movie so it's best to ask/tell them first before shooting and as long as they are comfortable then go for it.... like Noa, I always reckon the halfway mark is a good start ...I normally do the makeup with the girls then duck off and do flowers and dress shots then final makeup touch ups before doing the dress lacing (only the end bit) and stuff like earrings/jewellery being put on.
Tim Bakland
March 30th, 2013, 01:07 PM
If they still want shots, I expose higher for the skin tones to make it more flattering.