View Full Version : 5d3 - What color/saturation/color profile do you use? DigitalRev...

Shawn Clary
March 29th, 2013, 10:27 AM
I use standard with the contrast and saturation at the default levels, and have the sharpness all the way to the left and sharpen in post.
However, I always enjoy "the look" of DigitalRev's videos that are shot on the 5d3, so I sent a Facebook message to Lok C. and asked him what he does.

His response:

"I set contrast all the way lowest, that's all. I found it produce more details and less chance of highlight over blown. Just that doesn't mean it's the best setting, all subject to taste, and shooting environment. So if you're happy with you result that's the most important."

I often find myself (with stills) on the 5d3 tuning DOWN the highlights and lifting the shadows as I like the detailed look - think turning contrast all the way down will achieve this effect?


Tim Polster
April 1st, 2013, 07:30 AM
Contrast on the video side will be your first option to address the shadow areas. Your next step is to create a custom picture profile through the Canon software and make a curve with the shadows lifted and the highlights rolled off a bit. You can also adress any color corrections at that time if you want to.