View Full Version : Sone nex ea50 warranty
Noa Put March 27th, 2013, 01:52 AM I read that Sony seems to apply different types of warranties per country for the ea50 which maybe also would explain price difference if they include prime support standard or leave it as a paying option.
I contacted my dealer 2 day's ago about my warranty as it's not clear to me if they register the camera or if I have to do this, as some say you need a confirmation mail from Sony and other say it's automatically at purchase so I"m not sure how this applies in Belgium. I also have no idea if my warranty includes a prime support or not but since my dealer always gives a response very fast the fact that it takes longer to answer now means they don't seem to be sure either and have to check as well.
Anyways, as soon as I know I"ll post it here which maybe interesting to know for future Dutch buyers but I would find it interesting to know how it applies in different countries. Maybe if you could post the following:
1. What warranty did come with the camera?
2. What was the registration process, was this done by the dealer, did you have to do that, did you need a email confirmation from sony etc...
2. Which country did you purchase from?
3. How much did you pay for the camera excl taxes?
I wouldn't add from which store the camera came from as I think it's not appreciated to refer to dealers that are not sponsors here.
James Manford March 27th, 2013, 02:06 AM 1. What warranty did come with the camera and what is covered?
2 Years Prime Support through Sony, they collect from your doorstep and deliver - not sure about EXACTLY what is covered but im assuming if any faults occur with the unit itself it will be repaired for you ... don't think accidents are covered (i.e. dropping the camera)
2. What was the registration process, was this done by the dealer, did you have to do that, did you need a email confirmation from sony etc...
I had to contact my vendor they responded very fast after registering my serial number with Sony and then provided a link for me to verify details and 'confirm/submit' online (took less than 30 seconds to do this!)
2. Which country did you purchase from?
United Kingdom
3. How much did you pay for the camera excl taxes?
£2,634.00 inc VAT (£2195.00 excluding VAT) - this price will be increasing by 9% next month apparently
Noa Put March 27th, 2013, 02:11 AM Thx James! Hope you don't mind me saying but could I ask that you can remove the name of the dealer you got it from? Not sure if they are a sponsor here so don't want Chris to lock this thread if everyone is referring to a different dealer, if we know which country it came from that should suffice.
Also, do you have a price excl taxes? taxes can be very different per country.
I also changed the first question a bit as I can understand now it would be too difficult to explain "what" is covered, more important to know if prime support is included or not.
James Manford March 27th, 2013, 02:22 AM Consider it done :-)
Chris Harding March 27th, 2013, 03:59 AM Hi Noa
I bought both from a dealer in Brisbane on the East Coast. An email to Sony confirmed that the regular warranty of 2 years needs no registration as sale details are supplied to Sony from the dealer.
My standard warranty replaces the cam if it fails within 21 days and after that it goes to Sony for repair.
The dealer also offers a 4 year Warranty at a cost.
My camera cost AUS$4066.00 and my second cost AUS$4000 ...(prices change against the dollar!!) and include General Sales Tax of 10% In UK money that would come to 2760 at present.
Peter Rush March 27th, 2013, 04:38 AM Hi Noa - I got mine in the UK and the dealer had to register it for me - I then got an email from Sony with details of how to access the prime support
Dan Eskelson March 27th, 2013, 07:55 AM Noa,
Received my camera from a sponsor of this forum (can I say AbelCine?) here in U.S. Thanks to this thread, my curiosity led me to ask them about it. My first contact didn't know...hope to hear back soon from them.
Original cost was $3600 USD.
A generic Sony Warranty card came with the camera: 90 days parts and labor. One year parts. Apparently after 90 days I have to pay labor cost for repair. Can't say I'm very impressed with the warranty.
No problems at all with my camera, but best to know where we stand with a warranty.
Marlon Martins March 27th, 2013, 08:37 AM Here in Brazil is 1 year "full warranty" (Brazilian law enforce 1 year over new products )
some vendors have now a "3 year Sony warranty", but after questioning them about this, they where unable to give solid information, until i found out the warranty is 1 year "full", the next 2 does not cover 90% of the parts in the camera, only labor (do not cover lens, sensor, main processing unit, battery, etc...), making virtually useless (the extra price for 2 more years is very high)
Noa Put March 29th, 2013, 11:18 AM Thx for the info so far, I have contacted my dealer but they are very unclear about the warranty, they say it's 2 years and that I have prime support but that I need to bring the camera in myself with no further details about what exactly is covered, they also said the registrationcard was with the camera but I couldn't find it.
Is there no way to register the camera through a direct link?
Dan Eskelson March 29th, 2013, 05:23 PM Still haven't heard back from AbelCine about the warranty.
Wes Browning March 29th, 2013, 05:44 PM FYI, if you're purchasing in the US, B&H has the option of adding a Squaretrade warranty. Its a great deal since it covers "drops and spills."
Noa Put March 30th, 2013, 02:12 AM I just registered at the sony pro website and submitted my question there, see what they have to say about it.