Randy Johnson
March 24th, 2013, 06:38 PM
Whats the difference between the chip on the NEXEA50UH and the HXRMC2000U?
View Full Version : NEXA50U vs HXRMC2000U Randy Johnson March 24th, 2013, 06:38 PM Whats the difference between the chip on the NEXEA50UH and the HXRMC2000U? Chris Harding March 24th, 2013, 07:11 PM Hi Randy That is a bit of a silly comparison!! You are trying to compare an "el cheapo" camera ..sorta similar to the new JVC HM70 but probably not as good even with a pro unit like the EA-50 which is over 3 times the price. The MC series use a single tiny 1/4" Exmor chip which will die in low light ... At least the JVC camera has a 1.2/3 sensor ...The EA-50 has a Sony APS-C sensor ..I believe it's the same chip they use in the A99 DSLR camera. Still a bit pointless comparing these two! It would be better to compare the MC2000 and the HM70 but I think the JVC would come out on top. Chris James Manford March 25th, 2013, 05:22 AM Is the op 'trolling' ? Just delete the thread. Sorry if I sound offended, but they are two cameras in different leagues a simple Google search can confirm that. Chris Harding March 25th, 2013, 06:26 AM Hi James The last time I talked to Randy he had an HMC150 and is looking for a new camera ..he just likes to get as much info as possible. He is also looking at the JVC HM70 so he simply wanted to know about the MC2000 which is actually an HC1000 but Sony took out the MiniDV drive and made it take a card ..It's designed to complete with the Panny AC-7 and such entry level/educational cameras Chris James Manford March 25th, 2013, 07:38 AM Fair enough, judging by his post count he is obviously being serious. So apologies. To answer the question, don't even bother looking at the pro's and con's the EA50 is a mile apart from the HXRMC2000U Chris Harding March 25th, 2013, 08:47 AM No problem James If one is looking for a shoulder mount camera then the MC2000 is just that but here it's a tad over $1K ..about 1/4 of the EA-50 price so what you pay for is what you get. It is, as you say miles apart from the EA-50 but could be similar to the Panny AC7, the HMC40 and HMC80 and such ...I found the HMC80 was a much nicer camera for the price!! Chris Rob Cantwell March 25th, 2013, 01:23 PM the difference is huge!! in size at least, the sensor in the HXR-MC2000 is a 1/4" sensor and the NEX-EA50 as Chris pointed out has a APS-C CMOS sensor see the link below; they dont show a 1/4" sensor but you can guess how small it is in comparison http://cdn0.mos.techradar.futurecdn.net//Review%20images/PhotoRadar/Sensor%20Images/sensor_2-580-90.jpg I owned a HXR-MC2000 for a while as a B camera, it's not all that bad but there are far better cams out there. R Randy Johnson March 27th, 2013, 02:59 PM All I asked what the differences were, when I read the specs I thought they were both the exmor chips but I couldnt find specs. I wasnt suggesting they were comparable I was just trying to inform myself. I am not in a place where I can see these cameras first hand without buying one. James Manford March 27th, 2013, 03:04 PM Yes, I did apologise ... No harm done. |