View Full Version : Camera malfunctioning
Noa Put March 24th, 2013, 02:21 AM Well, it's not as bad as the title suggests but still.. So yesterday I got a unique opportunity to test the camera at a wedding as I has a last minute request from a sick videographer to take over from her, her style was long form docu handheld so this basically means I have been using the ea50 yesterday all day handheld and used my sony 730"s as b-cams at the ceremony.
Because during a wedding I shut down and start up the camera a lot at about 5 in the afternoon (I started at 9 in the morning) I started up the camera to film the venue and nothing happened, the lcd stayed black, I shut down and powered on again, still nothing and after the third time it came to live. That was the only time throughout the day it gave me that issue so not sure what to think of it. When it happened the battery was half full.
A second thing is that the scroll wheel on top of the camera that you use to go through the menu's on the lcd doesn't work anymore as it's supposed, I can scroll up and left but pressing right and under results in the same behavior as the "exec" button in the center of that wheel, so confirm. I can still use the scroll wheel on the side of the camera so right now it's no issue. I plan to send the camera in for this but have to wait till after the wedding season is over as that starts real soon. Only if I see more issues coming up I will call upon Sony prime support sooner.
It's been quite a experience yesterday as I could use the camera in a totally different way then I"m used to which is handheld all the time, will report about that later.
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 03:28 AM Did you have a genuine Sony battery in the camera?
I have experienced one of your issues - 'turning camera on' you see the LCD screen light up but just a black screen then it just stops and switches itself off, as if it is rejecting the power source. This only happens with 2 of my 'after market' batteries - not all of them - strange thing is, all the after market batteries are EXACTLY the same, from the same seller so I don't know what the problem is. I have marked these two with a black marker and wrote for video light only as to avoid confusion if im at an event.
Not so sure about the menu scrolling issue your having.
Chris Harding March 24th, 2013, 05:38 AM My Panasonics used to do that too but they used to give a message "This Battery cannot be used with the Camera" and the would shut down. I'm sure Noa has got only Genuine InfoLithium L series batteries..luckily my video light batteries are the same shape and size but have no writing on them on the top so they cannot be mixed up.
I have never had the shut down issue so far and I'm up to 75 hours running time on the B-camera now. I wonder if it was anything to do with the weather maybe ... if cameras have condensation they also shut down and it quite typical going from a warm car/bag and then being taken out into chilly weather...I did a wedding a few weeks ago with 40 degree temps and the cams were hot to the touch but no shutdowns there either.
Noa? after it restarted when it took 3 attempts, was it fine after that??? Keep us informed on your findings and also your comments on the camera's performance at a doc style wedding would be nice.
Noa Put March 24th, 2013, 02:25 PM Did you have a genuine Sony battery in the camera?
Yes, the original battery that came with the camera was used when that happened.
Chris: Yes, after the third time the camera booted and worked without a issue for the rest of the evening. Here it was freezing -2 deg yesterday and we even had snow but I doubt that temperature has to do with this, I hope the camera will not die on me during a shoot but I do have sufficient back up with my dlsr's when needed.
Steven Digges March 24th, 2013, 02:36 PM One: Rokinon lens or kit lens? Mine acts up like that with Canons.
Two: If it was the kit lens I would say this calls for the factory reset button. Tiny hole is near the playback buttons. When things fail....reboot.
Three: It has been raining there...Chris is right about moister?
Four: Intermittent problems suck.....Good Luck.
Noa Put March 24th, 2013, 02:42 PM Rokinon lens, do you mean you also have start up problems now and then? I think I"ll hit that reboot button to see if it clear the menu button issue.
Chris Harding March 24th, 2013, 10:49 PM Hi Noa
I would say that maybe it is the lens and the camera software realises that the lens is not fitted so it shuts down? Do those lenses have any sort of communication with the camera .. if not there should be a setting in the menu to tell the camera "the lens I'm using is totally manual" so it doesn't have to go thru software confirmation that the iris and focus controls are correctly talking to the body ...My GH1 used to do that on a regular basis for no reason too!!
Keep us updated on the solution?
Noa Put March 25th, 2013, 01:12 AM The camera didn't shut down, it wouldn't start up.
Chris Harding March 25th, 2013, 06:22 AM Hi Noa
I sorta meant turn it on and it detects says, a lens issue and then dies ... When I used generic batteries in the pannys the camera also never got to start ... black screen, error message and then it turned itself off ... when you start maybe the cam sees an inital problem with the lens and simply goes no further so it appears it hasn't started up ..a sort of fail safe start up ...Sorry for the ignorance but does the lense you are using have ring contacts for say, aperture?? or is no electrical contact made between the lens and camera at all??
Noa Put March 25th, 2013, 06:27 AM I sorta meant turn it on and it detects says, a lens issue and then dies ...
That is still not what happened :) the camera did not turn on at all so no error messages or turning off again, when I turned it on the viewfinder stayed black and nothing happen, so I turned the power switch back to off and on again and still no response at all, only after the 3rd time it powered up normally.
I am curious if Steve was referring to the same problem as I had?
Chris Harding March 25th, 2013, 06:59 AM Hi Noa
Since Steve brought up the lens problem, I was simply suggesting a reason for the failure...If a lens is not 100% seated what will happen when you turn on the camera. If you unlatch a lens and turn it just a fraction the contacts will now be out of line ...If you did that would the camera not start? or would it come up with a message "lens error" ??? I'm not trying to smart ..just suggesting a procedure to try and replicate what happened at the wedding so if it does it again, at least you could know what is causing it.
Jerome Cloninger March 25th, 2013, 07:55 AM when I turned it on the viewfinder stayed black and nothing happen, so I turned the power switch back to off and on again and still no response at all, only after the 3rd time it powered up normally.
This may be silly, but I wonder if the battery just didn't have the connection "just right." Happened with my A1's a couple of times.
Noa Put March 25th, 2013, 10:05 AM I was making short shots during that time and didn't change lenses or touched the battery, it just happened for no obvious reason in between shots, it was just a one time thing during the day as I had not been able to replicate the problem during the day. I"ll just have to wait and see what it gives at next weddings.
Mike Beckett March 25th, 2013, 10:47 AM Might be worth contacting Sony Prime Support to get it looked at, Noa. One benefit (in the UK at least) is they're supposed to supply a replacement unit while yours is being serviced.
Noa Put March 25th, 2013, 01:10 PM The reset button didn't fix the menu wheel on top so that's busted, will see if I can get a replacement camera.
Dmitri Zigany March 25th, 2013, 02:33 PM I guess this could be a situation where the Sony 'Prime Support' can be useful!?
I still haven't gotten a mail from Sony confirming my Prime Support registration... Anyone know if there's a way to register your EA50 with Sony other than via the place you bought it at?
James Manford March 25th, 2013, 02:53 PM Noa
Let me know how it goes with Prime support when you decide to send it in ... as I believe we both bought our EA50 from the same vendor (CVP? in UK?)
I'd like to see how they deal with the situation.
Noa Put March 25th, 2013, 03:55 PM No, mine came from a Dutch supplier but if I send it in I"ll post about that.
Dmitri Zigany March 25th, 2013, 05:34 PM Let me know how it goes with Prime support when you decide to send it in ... as I believe we both bought our EA50 from the same vendor (CVP? in UK?)
I'd like to see how they deal with the situation.
I bought mine from CVP, as well. Been in contact with them, they've been super helpful, but still no confirmation mail about Prime Support from Sony...
James Manford March 26th, 2013, 12:54 AM No, mine came from a Dutch supplier but if I send it in I"ll post about that.
Oh right ! yes, you don't live in the UK - that would make sense (*roll eyes*)
Don't know why I assumed that!
I bought mine from CVP, as well. Been in contact with them, they've been super helpful, but still no confirmation mail about Prime Support from Sony...
Excellent, I haven't bothered contacting them about Prime Support.
I was under the assumption anything goes wrong, I contact CVP give them the camera, they then send it into Sony ??
Noa Put March 26th, 2013, 01:11 AM I understood prime support means they pick it up from your doorstep and deliver it back to you afterwards.
James Manford March 26th, 2013, 02:33 AM LOL
I sincerely hope Prime Support exists if the time ever comes to need it, and hopefully it isn't a figment of my imagination.
Noa Put March 26th, 2013, 02:54 AM LOL
I was not joking :) Found more here but not sure which prime support pack comes with the camera, they seem to pick and return the camera but a replacement camera is only provided with the first pack if teh repair is longer then 7 days: PrimeSupport after-sales service packages : Sony Professional (
Mike Beckett March 26th, 2013, 04:08 AM Folks,
You really should be getting a communication from Sony pretty soon after you purchase your camera. I wouldn't assume that you are registered when you've heard nothing. When I got my NX70, the email came within the week.
Your dealer registers the camera with Sony, it's not possible to register it yourself. The Prime Support service is worth having if you're doing this for a living, make sure you're covered properly.
Maybe also check your spam folders in case an email from Sony was caught there.
Chris Harding March 26th, 2013, 05:05 AM In Australia it's different...Standard warranty support seems to be automatic ..I doubted this and emailed the service manager on our East Coast and confirmed that nothing needs to be done.
However Sony here also has what they call Commercial Support which costs $484.00 for 4 years cover and presumeably this covers a whole lot more so maybe that is your "Prime Support"?? Except we have to pay for it but you get a 4 year warranty.. I change my cams every 12 -18 months anyway so 2 years is fine for me. With the Standard Warranty, if the camera fails in the first 21 days they simply replace it (or refund you) (your choice and pay all freight costs too!! After that it goes to Sony for repair.
Mike Beckett March 26th, 2013, 05:57 AM The regular Sale of Goods Act in the UK probably covers this, up to a point. As does a credit card purchase, where you would get some form of buyer protection.
But Sony Prime Support in Europe is not automatic - you absolutely do need to have some form of registration with Sony have have confirmation of it. They'll probably sort something out anyway if something goes wrong, but in Europe your dealer specifically MUST register you for Prime Support.
Sony EU does things differently to Sony USA and Sony Australia. It's not the same worldwide, just as Panasonic gives you nice Barry Green books for free in the USA but not here.
The value of Prime Support seems to correspond with your Ozzy$484 Chris. Normally it is around the 300GBP mark (depending on which camera).
James Manford March 26th, 2013, 07:13 AM Folks,
You really should be getting a communication from Sony pretty soon after you purchase your camera. I wouldn't assume that you are registered when you've heard nothing. When I got my NX70, the email came within the week.
Your dealer registers the camera with Sony, it's not possible to register it yourself. The Prime Support service is worth having if you're doing this for a living, make sure you're covered properly.
Maybe also check your spam folders in case an email from Sony was caught there.
The regular Sale of Goods Act in the UK probably covers this, up to a point. As does a credit card purchase, where you would get some form of buyer protection.
But Sony Prime Support in Europe is not automatic - you absolutely do need to have some form of registration with Sony have have confirmation of it. They'll probably sort something out anyway if something goes wrong, but in Europe your dealer specifically MUST register you for Prime Support.
Sony EU does things differently to Sony USA and Sony Australia. It's not the same worldwide, just as Panasonic gives you nice Barry Green books for free in the USA but not here.
The value of Prime Support seems to correspond with your Ozzy$484 Chris. Normally it is around the 300GBP mark (depending on which camera).
Well, well, well you were 100% correct.
I just contacted CVP they said they will register me now and I should receive an email from Sony in the next few days ...
Seems like you have to let them know you would like Prime Support. They don't just AUTOMATICALLY do it for you.
Mike Beckett March 26th, 2013, 07:19 AM Seems like you have to let them know you would like Prime Support. They don't just AUTOMATICALLY do it for you.
That's mad. Prestons did it for me without prompting last time!
James Manford March 26th, 2013, 07:39 AM That's mad. Prestons did it for me without prompting last time!
Well in all fairness.
They did apologise 'for the delay' (don't know if that apology was in response to the delay in replying to my email, or the fact they hadn't registered the unit)
But, quite frankly I would expect it to be done within 28 days of ownership of the camera not months later.
Rob Cantwell March 26th, 2013, 01:48 PM i've bought two Sony cams from CVP and they were automatically registered for Prime Support.
Not that i'll be getting anything Sony from CVP for a while - got a mail today stating that they (Sony) are increasing their UK prices by 9.5% from the start of next month.
James Manford March 26th, 2013, 03:12 PM i've bought two Sony cams from CVP and they were automatically registered for Prime Support.
Not that i'll be getting anything Sony from CVP for a while - got a mail today stating that they (Sony) are increasing their UK prices by 9.5% from the start of next month.
Ouch, they are well expensive already ...
So that means the EA50 will cost way more than it already does here in the UK!
Any one considering buying one - DO IT NOW!
Dmitri Zigany March 26th, 2013, 05:55 PM I was under the assumption anything goes wrong, I contact CVP give them the camera, they then send it into Sony ??
As I'm not in the UK that is not an option to me. That's why I'm a bit eager to get the confirmation, so that when/if something goes wring, it's already dealt with.
I've had contact with CVP a few times regarding this, they're always super helpful but I still haven't gotten an email from Sony...
James Manford March 27th, 2013, 02:38 AM As I'm not in the UK that is not an option to me. That's why I'm a bit eager to get the confirmation, so that when/if something goes wring, it's already dealt with.
I've had contact with CVP a few times regarding this, they're always super helpful but I still haven't gotten an email from Sony...
This may be obvious as daylight but have you checked your junk mail folder?
As soon as customer services at CVP said they have registered my camera with Sony and that I would shortly be receiving an email, one actually came direct from sony within 15minutes.
It contained a large Sony image/advert. I had to click on the image, which took me to the registration site with most of my details already pre-filled. I just had to confirm my email and phone number and hit submit once reading the terms & conditions.
Took less than 30 seconds.
Matt Edwards March 27th, 2013, 03:47 AM Hi guys, just wanted to add into the mix that my Sony email didn't come until about 2 weeks after I had my camera.
Might be worth contacting Sony in your area.