View Full Version : Render video CRASH problem!
James Manford March 22nd, 2013, 04:10 PM Any one else getting this in Sony Vegas 12?
You render your project in HD, and at the end of rendering once it reaches 100% Vegas decides to crash.
It happens quite often.
And working around it is different every time.
If it happens, I usually close the application, re-open the project then it works.
Copy and paste the whole project into a new one and render it.
But the thing is, IT ALWAYS happens even if I decide to do the above work-arounds BEFORE rendering for the first time once completing a project. Why is this!?
Graham Bernard March 23rd, 2013, 03:11 AM James what is your source media? And what Template are you rendering to?
Vegas is choking on something, and it is doing this intermittently. Rendering is THE most intensive operation we make our PCs do. Ensuring that Vegas has a fair wind in its sails is not a bad way to commence.
So, two things - Source Media and Render Template - yeah?
Leslie Wand March 23rd, 2013, 05:10 AM +1 grazie
also, dust / bad or badly seated ram?
Steven Davis March 23rd, 2013, 05:20 AM It's mostly been media that crashes Vegas for me, however, once or twice it was the actual drive I was using, moved the whole project to another drive and it rendered. Don't ask to explain it, and the card readers at Sony support gave me the deer in headlights look even, so don't depend on them lol.
Vegas has become quirky, even ridiculously picky over the years, maybe it's Sony forgetting it's existence in their RandD section.
But I agree with Graham, it's source or template, but throw in drive as well, hardware like ram too which was also mentioned.
By the way, I still run Vegas 10 because I haven't seen anything from Sony that makes me want to shell out new clams for a new package with the same quirky software year after year.
Peter Riding March 23rd, 2013, 06:06 AM I have been getting this as well. However since I have already saved the project and rebooted before rendering, and the rendered files appear to be perfect in every way, I've ignored it. Just one of those things, Vegas is what it is, and hopefully it will be addressed in a future update.
Graham Bernard March 23rd, 2013, 07:09 AM James:
1] Media?
2] Template?
Let's keep it simply to start with - yeah?
Duane Adam March 23rd, 2013, 09:40 AM I've been working in premiere pro lately but had to modify one of my Vegas files yesterday and its crashed each time I tried to render it.
In all fairness, I dropped in some 4k video files which is where the crashes are happening so Vegas does seem to be choking on these larger files.
But... 4k is what I'm doing from here on and premiere pro handles and renders these larger files with zero problems. There is no way to take a chance on Vegas with a new, full 4k project knowing that it can't handle large files. Trying to render this most recent project brought to light the countless hours wasted with crashes from Vegas. They need to bring this software up to speed as right now there are clearly better options,
James Manford March 23rd, 2013, 03:23 PM Im using a Sony EA50 and recording in 25p 1080p FX (.mts) files.
Rendering out using a custom template I got off a video on Youtube. It utilises the Cuda cores in my nVidia graphics card.
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 02:26 AM And now your Project settings, please?
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 02:54 AM Hi Grazie
Project settings are:
1920x1080x32, 29.970i
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 03:01 AM So your Prject is at 30i your Media is at 25p and you're rendering at 24p? Yes?
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 03:05 AM Correct.
Im assuming all 3 need to completely match then or ?
( I am quite new to this ... )
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 03:09 AM No problems! We've all been new to this stuff.
Ok, firstly match your Project to your Media. Do you know how to do that?
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 03:11 AM I actually don't.
I literally drag and drop files I want to use on the timeline, do my thing and then render out. When it works, the video looks amazing. Can't tell any loss in quality and it matches the actual source media.
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 03:23 AM That's ok . . First off what you HAD been doing and the success you had had is something I really can't comment on, but now secondly, we are here 'cos we are here . . . Let's try and get you to at least what Vegas is supposed to do - yeah?
Matching the Project Settings: OK, going into your Project settings see that Icon in the Top Right corner click on it and navigate to where you have your MEdia and "Open" that. WHat this does is actually correctly set your Project to your Media you are using.
When you 've done that please make a screen grab of that and bring it back here - yeah?
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 03:34 AM James? How are you doing with that?
G ?
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 03:39 AM Ok, after I
File > Open > One of the .mts files in my cameras folder
The project settings change to this automatically:
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 03:43 AM Grazie
I just figured out what you said ... I clicked on the button the right handside in the project settings window and opened one of the .mts files.
Again, the settings changed to what I showed you in the screen dump.
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 03:51 AM This is good!
So you now have your Project Settings matching your Media. Before your setting were 60i, Vegas was having to figure out all this plus your then render to 24p.
Now go ahead and do your rendering with a SMALL selection.
Question? Why are you rendering to 24p?
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 03:55 AM Thank you! It now renders flawlessly with the small selections. I will render the whole 40min project as well and see what happens.
I don't know why im rendering to 24p to be honest, it's just a template I took of a youtube video.
What is the best thing to render out to? the same frame rate as the initial source file or?
I will be throwing the rendered media from Sony vegas back in to another piece of software to create a DVD & Bluray with menu's as I normally do.
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 04:18 AM Thank you! It now renders flawlessly with the small selections. I will render the whole 40min project as well and see what happens.
Well that's great news. My thoughts is that you several steps that Vegas was attempting to do for you. I also noticed that you have the "Match Media to Render . . . ". With the 25p to 24p thing you are doing, try disengaging this. You maybe building up further "issues" down steam when you use that digital intermediate (DI) to create your "other" products. Yeah?
I don't know why im rendering to 24p . . . What is the best thing to render out to? the same frame rate as the initial source file or? Good question!! Getting the rendering process out of the way first is always my prime object - you can now see why! LOL!!
Alternatively you may consider forcing a DI that matches the Frame rate from a Master Project set up to do just this. Interested?
I will be throwing the rendered media from Sony vegas back in to another piece of software to create a DVD & Bluray with menu's as I normally do.
Sure, I have never ever done BU, but DVDs look great.
Anyhow . .. . Another satisfied customer, subject to your full 40 minutes program rendering out.
Oh yeah . . . Do you have another INTERNAL harddrive? If so look at your Project Settings, you've got your C drive as your Prerendering drive. I don't. This could form another "choke" point. While we are are on this, check to see where Vegas is making Folders (Temporary, Audio, VSTs . . . etc), and consider streamlining your Vegas "experience" so you can get the most from this remarkable NLE.
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 04:34 AM Grazie
I spoke too soon. Just finished the 40min render, reached 100% and did this:
Same as usual.
In terms of hard drives, I have installed Vegas on my primary hard drive (my 256gb SSD).
The source files come from my 2TB secondary drive.
And when I render, I render out to the primary 256GB SSD.
I will try rendering again, but this time to the 2TB secondary and see what happens.
This problem is intermittant, I bet even if I render out to the SSD again, it will work this time ...
I just don't like not knowing when it will crash and when it won't.
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 04:35 AM HEre's something you may wish to consider having that :
Adjust source media to better match project or render settings
Checked. Note the "adjust interlacing to allow media files to work better with your project." - that's plenty of work for Vegas. This is from the Online Help:
"Select this check box if you want Vegas Pro to scale images or adjust interlacing to allow media files to work better with your project.
This setting will correct for the following types of inconsistencies:
DV media will be cropped for 320x240 Internet renders to prevent letterboxing.
DV widescreen media will be cropped in HD projects.
HD media will be cropped in DV widescreen projects.
486-line media will be cropped in 480-line projects.
480-line media will be padded in 486-line projects.
When the check box is cleared, source media files are processed with their native settings."
So, as you had an 60i Setting and a mix of processing from 25p to 24p this may account for the issue.
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 04:43 AM OK, but did it actually render? Check to see.
Well, you now have Vegas set up optimally to do the job that I am doing without issues. I can only put forward that which is optimal and working for myself.
Do go and see if the Project was rendered.
You may want to just reboot the PC to clear out any gremlins.
Also try rendering to a format that is AS CLOSE to the Media format as you can. Forget about YouTube for the moment. Certainly forget about MainConcept Templates. You're using VP12 Build 486 - yes?
Yeah, the "not knowing" is a PITA. And yes indeed, do try rendering to a non-system, mechanical HD. Let's see if that'll do it
I really think we are getting somewhere. I hope!
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 04:54 AM It didn't render, just provided a dud file.
But here we go:
I have just restarted the PC after making all the changes in this thread.
I have now selected my mechanical 2TB internal secondary drive to use for 'pre-rendered' files.
I have now selected the menchanical drive to output the rendered media too. The actual files in the timeline are also based in this mechanical drive.
I have unticked the 'Adjust source settings to render' box.
I have matched the project settings with the source media settings (so 25p)
I am rendering to 25p PAL as well.
Will update you with the results shortly, so bare with me ...
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 05:06 AM Unbelievable ... Just rendered a 10min program in 7minutes.
Im in asbolute aw of Sony Vegas!
Thank you so much!
All the changes above, has not only solved this problem but DRAMATICALLY reduced rendering times as well !!!
Grazie, Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Any one having rendering issues, I advise you to carry out the steps in this thread!
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 05:26 AM And now the 40 minute Project?
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 05:43 AM Worked perfectly :)
When I clicked render, I could just tell it's going to work ... call me a nutcase, but the sound of my PC working has changed while it's rendering, I can here the hyperthreading coming in to action lol !
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 05:54 AM Well, now that we have the optimal solution working - Projects Settings; Mechanical Hardrive, not your SSD, what you are hearing, if you're being serious, is actually your FANs. Now, if this is the case then maybe an opening of the PC case and a Spring Clean to remove any fluff and dust from the Airways. Ventilation, and its efficiency is yet another ( as per Leslie above) determinant on failing renders, I know, I've had BSODs!
So, are you still using MainConcept? Had you changed to another Template?
James you are actually providing some truly useful and relevant feedback.
As to the sound of your PC, I can hear it here in Wembly!!!
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 06:04 AM My PC is actually pretty new. Had it built in November 2012 just before Xmas.
i7 3770k, 16GB DDR5 Ram, 470 GTX GeForce card.
It's definitely not dust, or fans (I have extra fans that I can switch on with a press of a button). I will however open it up and give it a clean.
I can just tell that the system is finding it easier to work. Almost like that feeling when you get in your car and drive ... somedays it can be a bit sluggish. But when the air is right, it feels so much more pleasant to drive!
Im still using the same template btw, just changed the framerate to 25p PAL like the source files.
Graham Bernard March 24th, 2013, 06:05 AM Oh you might want to have a CPU Temperature s/w running to keep a weather eye out on just how HOT your pc is running. Here's one I've been using for nearly a month now, and it's Fabo!
One ios the parent s/w and the other is a W7 Gadget that works with the parent given you real time graphs. All this stuff allows us to keep an eye on that rendering process.
James Manford March 24th, 2013, 06:11 AM Cheers for that, i'll download those apps.
James Manford March 25th, 2013, 07:40 AM Just to confirm.
I have rendered a 30min project and another 50min project today.
Both have worked flawlessly with no errors. As a matter of fact, I was even still using Firefox for a bit while the rendering was going on during the 50min run.
Graham Bernard March 25th, 2013, 09:02 AM As a matter of fact, I was even still using Firefox for a bit while the rendering was going on during the 50min run.
And James, that's what you should be able to do too. Try pushing more and getting multiple renders going on.
Very glad you have things working again.
Peter Riding March 25th, 2013, 11:34 AM Graham, I'm just wondering if you make use of the nested projects facility at all?
I can render single projects to DVD in well under the run time of the show but as soon as I start nesting it can slow to a crawl.
Not sure whether I should be running tests.
Typically a show will comprise 5 or 6 projects nested, which I guess is like running Vegas 5 or 6 multiple times.
Some of these constituent parts make heavy use of PNG stills (suitably pre-shrunk). I do very few stills effects but there is always a 2 sec transition between each and in parts I may have 2 or 3 different stills fading in then out e.g. left centre right all portrait aspect stills appearing one after the other on the same screen as it were. That sort of thing seems to cripple Vegas and I can see the frame counter just about ticking over.
But a single unnested project comprising video footage only will race through the render even though it might comprise 1080 50p files from 3 different cams, plus 1080 25p AVIs converted in Cineform from a GoPro, and several audio files.
Once upon a time I could use acceleration but sadly no more.
v12 build 486 with Windows 8 64bit, i7 950 3.07GHz (not overclocked), 12gb ram, GTX570 card.
A show I did yesterday comprises 50 minutes from 5 nested parts. Two parts are stills only, two parts video only and one part (short) a mix of stills and video. Rendering to MP4 vbr 2 pass took nearly 10 hours.
I too use Core Temp and there is no overheating. No fluff either :- ) Cooling fan is decent.
Graham Bernard March 25th, 2013, 11:48 AM Pete, what's your question?
Peter Riding March 25th, 2013, 01:43 PM Do you use Nesting? And if so do you expect to find it much slower than having one big project? My stills component parts are in my case suspects but nesting is not a subject I find gets very much coverage on the various forums.
BTW I installed the latest Nvidia driver today (314.22) and switched acceleration back on (v12 b486, W8 64bit). So far so good with a 2 pass vbr MP4 render, its almost half way through without ...... well I'm not going to tempt fate :- )
Duane Adam March 25th, 2013, 02:17 PM Just to confirm.
I have rendered a 30min project and another 50min project today.
Both have worked flawlessly with no errors. As a matter of fact, I was even still using Firefox for a bit while the rendering was going on during the 50min run.
Happy for you James, I haven't been as fortunate this week as I'm still trying to get a render out of an older 4 minute project that I dropped new footage into. At first Vegas crashed at the new 4K footage I added. Turned out it didn't like 4k in slo motion. Then it started freezing in the middle of old clips from my EX1r. Replacing some of those helped, but now it's freezing at the spot where the old footage was no matter what I replace it with. This is so remarkably frustrating. This isn't a video of my cats its a big project with a 6 figure paycheck that's stuck in limbo so I'm obviously pissed. Not looking for help as with enough time spent I'm sure I'll figure it out, just need to vent. After using nothing but Vegas for the past 9 years anything important from here on is going to have to be done on something else.
James Manford March 25th, 2013, 02:38 PM Happy for you James, I haven't been as fortunate this week as I'm still trying to get a render out of an older 4 minute project that I dropped new footage into. At first Vegas crashed at the new 4K footage I added. Turned out it didn't like 4k in slo motion. Then it started freezing in the middle of old clips from my EX1r. Replacing some of those helped, but now it's freezing at the spot where the old footage was no matter what I replace it with. This is so remarkably frustrating. This isn't a video of my cats its a big project with a 6 figure paycheck that's stuck in limbo so I'm obviously pissed. Not looking for help as with enough time spent I'm sure I'll figure it out, just need to vent. After using nothing but Vegas for the past 9 years anything important from here on is going to have to be done on something else.
Cheers Duane, im also relieved, especially as I have a back to back wedding coming up which I plan to complete and hand back to the client within a week. I can finally not have to stress about rendering issues and just get on with my creativity. Im sure Vegas will work just fine when you find the solution! I think you need someone experienced with 4K files to give you a step by step on how it worked for them just like Grazie (Graham) did with me.
I can feel your pain especially as it's for paid work.
It's very easy to forget with all these new cameras and resolutions coming out on a regular basis, your machine also needs to be up to the task to edit !
James Manford March 25th, 2013, 02:48 PM And James, that's what you should be able to do too. Try pushing more and getting multiple renders going on.
Very glad you have things working again.
I never dared open a browser, let alone do multiple renders.
As a matter of fact, this is the first time I raised the issue about rendering or for the past 2 years I have just tolerated it, like it was normal !!
Wish I mentioned the problem sooner!
Thanks again.
Graham Bernard March 25th, 2013, 03:15 PM Do you use Nesting? And if so do you expect to find it much slower than having one big project?
I Nest! They are great things to have to be able to make simple that which was/is getting crazy . . . .
I don't know WHAT the internal mechanics of the Nest are other than what "we" see is only a scratch proxy file of that other VEG. So, what this means is that when you/we come to render the Parent VEG, whatever is lurking within that Nest needs to be rendered out too. Soooo..... If there are a lot of things going on for that Nest then that will take more time than a Nest that points to a simple Nest Veg - yeah?
Consequently and without trying to "duck" your question, it really does depend on just how complex the Nested VEG is - yeah?
Graham Bernard March 25th, 2013, 03:23 PM Wish I mentioned the problem sooner!
Yeah, that's not me! - If it hurts, I ask. If it don't quack like a duck . . it ain't a duck! I may have gathered notoriety as a PITA, but I can't abide with putting up with this stuff if it doesn't perform. If it is broke, then let me know and let's move on and/or tell SCS. If I don't understand I ask . . . and I keep on asking!
James, that's very honest of you to say :"Wish I mentioned the problem sooner!" - It's this awareness/knowledge that makes me keep going.
Peter Riding March 25th, 2013, 05:26 PM Cheers Graham.
On a concrete note my render using acceleration that I mentioned earier completed! Yay :- )
David Johns March 31st, 2013, 05:39 AM Any one else getting this in Sony Vegas 12? You render your project in HD, and at the end of rendering once it reaches 100% Vegas decides to crash.
I got this yesterday, twice. Very frustrating after an hour's rendering!
My source footage is HDV 1440x1080 50i, and my project is set the same. There is some Sony Generated Media on the timeline also. I'm rendering to Main Concept .mp4, 1920x1080 25p because it's going to YouTube.
It renders fine in .wmv it seems and randomly will render OK in mp4 but in the latter will also crash just as you describe.
I've read suggestions on this thread but I don't think I'm really asking too much of Vegas as it stands...
Paul Cascio April 3rd, 2013, 02:59 PM Here's a trick I use for almost all renders when working with a timeline longer than a few minutes.
1. Render the entire project to AVI. It's uncompressed, therefore lossless, but you will need a lot of hard disk space. It's a quick render.
2. Take the new AVI file and place it in a new project. Then, render to whatever format you want. Using this two-step process can actually cut the total rendering time substantially. Also, since AVI is easy for Vegas to process, I have far less crashes.
When I'm done, I delete the AVI file to reclaim the use of my hard disk.